Wyeast Raising Prices

I was at my LHBS last week to get supplies for upcoming brews and was told by one of the owners that Wyeast is doubling the price of their liquid yeast in the very near future.  That is a pretty big price bump!  He told me I just got in under the wire with the current price.

Thought I should pass this along.

2x [emoji15]

Sheesh. I feel like yeast is already way up compared to when I started brewing (2019). Even US-05 is $7 or $8 a sachet. The fancy stuff it’s even more.

What isn’t up in the last 5 years?

White Labs increased their prices a year or so ago, but they increased the amount of yeast in the packages at the same time.

In June 2016 I have an order for a 50# sack of Briess 2 row that was $54.13 including shipping.  Don’t try that at home now…

Same month, 11g Nottingham was $3.79, 5# LME was $16, 5# 40L was $7.45. All with free shipping.

Don’t look at your order history… But, if you do, just understand your wages went up 100% during that same time so it should be no big deal.  Inflation is just barely 3%… Lol

Shop around. I just paid $2.89 for S-05 at Ritebrew.

They also offer quantity discounts on various items, but they do not offer free shipping.

Ritebrew’s pricing works well well if one can use the regional (Spee-Dee Delivery) shipper.  I’ve used the combination for well over 5 years with consistently good results.  Outside the region, the national shipper (currently UPS) can get expensive, especially if the order weight goes above about 48 pounds.  There is also an “economy/saver” shipping option which I haven’t tried.

everything is up, but increasing prices by 100 percent in a single jump seems a little extreme to me.

I have had several instances of Wyeast smack packs, well within their 6 month use by dates, not swell up or not start to the point where I ended up having to pitch a packet of dry yeast for insurance. No way am I going to pay ~$20 for a smack pack, I will stick to dry yeast.

Cost is one of the reasons I harvest yeast.  I have a small yeast bank and have used yeasts up to 13 times with no apparent ill effects.  Makes the cost of yeast/brew very low.

Assuming it’s true. I’m trying to verify.

yes of course.

Yet another reason to use dry yeast as much as possible.  I like some liquid yeasts, and might still use some on occasion… but not very often, especially after this hike.

I brew a lot of Belgians and haven’t found a dry yeast I like for them.

my favorite yeast for most of teh beers I brew (WLP028) doesnt have a dry equivalent. Same with Saisons, the dry yeasts just dont compare.

I recently tried Lallemand Farmhouse in a Saison. I was very pleased with the results.

One day, you’ll wake up and there won’t be anymore time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Don’t wait. Do it now.

Denny, my LHBS got this information from Wyeast when they ordered recently.


I’m 2 for 2 with Farmhouse,  Have another planned for this Summer.

The pack I bought a week ago has less cell count than competitors. 100B vs 150B. It’s possible they’re also increasing the cell count at the same time, but who knows.