Yeast cell wall damage

What is the latest thought on yeast cell wall damage from the use of stir plates.

Hopefully saccharomyces or however you spell his screen name comments that fella is very very sharp! I recently switch to SNS yeast starter from a stir plate and I am loving the results after a little edification from the aforementioned poster saccharomyces

Worth reading.


I was hoping that 2021 would be a better year, then this thread appeared…


My latest thought on the subject is - I wonder where that stir plate is?  It’s been a few years since I used it.  Shake and pitch on the foam for stress free reproduction of yeast.

I will spare forum members another trip down this rabbit hole by giving you the URL to my latest blog entry on the subject: Shaken, not Stirred: The Stir Plate Myth Buster | Experimental Brewing