Kölsch is one of those styles that tastes great all year long, just as thirst quenching during the hot days of summer as it is quaffable in the middle of winter. For this week’s xBmt, Ray was curious how different 2 yeast strains from different suppliers were. He split a 10 gallon batch of wort between 2 carboys, pitching 1 with Wyeast 2565 Kölsch yeast and the other with White Labs WLP029 German Ale/Kölsch yeast. Results are in!
I just pitched 2565 yesterday for the first time. I normally use 029 so I am very excited to see which strain I prefer. I like a kolsch that is a bit more ‘fruity’ so it sounds like 2565 might provide a bit more of that.
while the WY2565 beer was much “funkier” for lack of a more appropriate term. Not funk like a sour beer or Brett, just a lot more yeasty character (not specifically esters or anything).
The term that I have seen used, and agree with, is “winey”. That winey character is why my preference goes to WY2565.
Good to hear. This is what I was referring to as ‘fruity’ but ‘winey’ is more appropriate. I have gotten it once out of WLP029 but I think that was in combination with some hop choices.
Man WY2565 took off quickly and went crazy on me. I was purposely fermenting it a bit warmer @ 65F and had my fermentation chamber set to 60F. Everything was perfect. Got home from work and it had jumped up to 68.7 which was disappointing. I set my chamber to 57F and it dropped to 66 in a couple of hours then slowed and dropped to 63. Last night I set the chamber to 65F and it is currently at 64F and seems to be staying at the chamber’s ambient temperature.
It is what it is but I wish I could have controlled the temperature a lot better. I try to monitor fermentations closely but I have to go to work at some point…haha. I have never had a beer ferment 9F above ambient as they are usually closer to 5 for me. I will be prepared next time…
Aroma: “A pleasant, subtle fruit aroma from fermentation (apple, cherry or pear)”
Flavor: “an almost imperceptible fruity sweetness”
Overall impression: “delicately-balanced beer usually with a very subtle fruit and hop character.”
I quoted above from BJCP 2015. I find a lot of Kölsch’s don’t have the subtle fruit flavor and aroma. I prefer Kölsch with that fruit character. I like subtle flavors like this that I can concentrate on when drinking a pint.
PS. I have a lot of people tell me Kölsch is not supposed to be fruity.