I had the great pleasure of having a summer wheat ale (several actually) at the Red Hook Brewery. Was told that the yeast produced a banana and clove flavor. Any one know what type of yeast would provide that flavor to a home brewer?
For those flavors, look at the German Hefeweizen yeasts. Something like Wyeast 3068 Weihenstephan Weizen…
Wyeast 3068 Weizen yeast.
I ferment both Hefe and Dunkelweizens at 63/64 after pitching at 60 and let it ramp up to 65/66 after 3-4 days.
Yeah what he said
No worries :D great minds and all that
WLP380 is the best at producing banana AND clove. Hands down.
You like it balanced equally and a little tart right?
I like just a smidge more banana than clove