Howdy folks… Figured I would join in on the phun too! Always nice to see another great forum!
My system is in my sig below.
Howdy folks… Figured I would join in on the phun too! Always nice to see another great forum!
My system is in my sig below.
Welcome Lonnie, this place is going awesome!!!
Lonnie Mac’s a newbie!
Looks like this place could be the one stop shop for knowledge. All the big names are signing up!
I’m about 65% finished with my brutus ten. Missing 1 pump, hose and quick disconnects. I figure I can start brewing when I get those necessities, I’ll just have to light the fires manually. Still going to be so much easier than my previous all grain brew days! Thanks for spreading the knowledge brother.
Thanks my friend!! I have been robbing pics off or your site. Keep em coming! Looks like it’s a great build!
This will be helpful for me while I’m putting together my stand. Thanks to both of you!