Your Personal Favorite Lager yeasts

I have gotten stuck in a rut and I have used the same lager yeast for basically 10 years now (WY2124). It works well for me and the beers I brew and I will probably continue using it but I’d dig trying something new.

PS: I have a sachet of Diamond Lager yeast that I am planning on using in the next couple of weeks. I have never used it before but sincde it has gotten rave reviews here Imma gonna give it a shot!

WY2206, hands down.

WLP940, Mexican lager. It’s similar to 34/70 but with slightly less attenuation and a lot more character.

S189 for malty beers, WY2278 for hoppy

What is it that you like about it? I have used that one a lot in the past. I’m not exactly sure why I got stuck on 2124 but it might be because it was easy to get at YH in bulk

I like the crispness from OYL-113 Mexican Lager.

OYL-114 is pretty much the equivalent of WY-2206.  Augustiner, IIRC…In any event, great results with it.  But with these neutral lager strains, there is almost imperceptible differences sometime, especially fermenting under pressure, as I do a lot these days.

Good all purpose strain.  I started using it for stuff like Ofest and maibock because it makes great malty beers.  Then discovered it was great for pils, too.  Reliable fermenter and I don’t recall it ever throwing diacetyl.

Cool. 2124 will def throw diacytle

2206 wet, S-189 dry.  Yummy yum yum.

I’ve used S-189 many times. Agree it is a good one. Looking forward to see how Diamond fares.

i really enjoyed S-189 and was planning to use it again, but i decided im going to try omega bayern as i heard it was really good and i have access to it, its supposed to be augustiner strain?

I like the White Labs WLP833 German Bock Lager Yeast. I done everything from dopplebocks, pils, and dunkels with good success.

Imperial Harvest is also  said to be Augustiner. Good choice for a Helles.

I do like 833 and S-189 for malty beers.

For pils ive always liked 830 liquid, 34/70, and noww Diamond.

Diverse selections amongst the brewers! Interesting. My favorites are 34/70, S-189, OYL-106 in that order. Since I haven’t tried the other selections I will consider trying them at some point.

I like 34/70 as well and I have used that plenty of times. To me it is extremely similar to Wy2124 so surprised to hear that it’s not from the same lineage? Or seems like that is what I read here. Regardless I have used it as a back up for 2124 for years and it seems pretty damn close to me

I never had 2124 stall but I almost always raise the temp to 58 and even 62-64 and hold for several days before lagering.

I’ve done several split ferments with S-189 and 34/70 and every time the 189 just didn’t taste as good as the 34/70. No big really malty beers, a couple Marzens and I think my chile lager. Same thing when I’ve split between S-23 and 34/70, the 34/70 always makes the better tasting beer, the differences are pretty subtle but I don’t think their imaginary. I haven’t figured out how to do a blind taste testing on myself though so it could be confirmation bias.

Can you be more specific about “tastes better”?