Zymurgy Magazine?

When does the new issue come out?  I joined AHA in the end of December when they had already sent out Zymurgy so I’m kinda jones’n for my first issue.  :smiley:

I received the March/April issue yesterday-Feb 23rd.


I haven’t received the latest issue yet.

You shold have it by the weekend.  8)

The March/April issue mailed on February 19…you should be getting it soon!

You can link to the mailing schedule at:



Jill Redding


Once everyone has theirs, then I will get mine.  Our post office is at the end of the SE Michigan pipeline.

Edit - didn’t come today, the 24th.

Could we get it as PDF download?

It is one of the irons in the fire for the group.

That would be absolutely awesome.  I hate paper.  I’m not even sure where my last issue is at the moment.  I could ask my wife where she put it but it would be a lot easier to go click on my Zymurgy folder and just pull it up.

I don’t know about that.  I don’t take a laptop to the “office” in the morning, it’s a lot easier sitting on the throne with the paper version. :slight_smile:

There is something to be said about that.

Drew, are there concerns about widespread non-authorized distrubution? That may cut into brewer’s willingness to sign up for the AHA unless most brewers don’t sign up for Zymurgy in the first place. Would be nice if that is the case but I’m not so sure about it.


Kai, there are lots of concerns…I’m sure this will be one of the big topics of discussion at our GC mega-meeting at NHC this summer.  It was certainly a hot topic at our last meeting.  There’s a lot to be worked out as to exactly how it will be done, but it’s inevitable that it will happen.  Personally, I far prefer the printed page, but I’m an elderly curmudgeon…

I’d rather have the magazine also… can’t see myself lugging any style of computer around, I’d rather read a hardcopy anyday.  Nothing yet today, but then I’m in Michigan too.   ???

Curmudgeon?  :smiley:

I prefer the printed page because of where I am when I am reading it:

Either on the couch in between whatever is on TV or …well, that would be TMI

I can definitely see how this is a hot topic.

I wonder to what extend there are already workable solutions available in the publishing industry. I think that many publishers, especially those of small circulation publications, are looking for a solution to this problem and I would not be surprised if Adobe, for example, is working on support for this.

There is something to be said about collecting the printed issues of any magazine. On the other hand, moving to a digital medium just makes sense. We (society) just have to figure out ways to curb unauthorized use.


Problem is always going to be there.

I can hit print screen and save anything we’ve ever seen on a CPU screen

Yes you can. You can also Xerox a print magazine or record from a CD. The question becomes how much do you want to own a copy of the content and is it easier for you to buy it or copy it. “easier” is meant in the very broad sense of time spent, risk taken, … etc.

I guess we are slipping into a discussion about how copyright and its protection. Which in itself can be very interesting and enlightening but is certainly very much off-topic.


Well, that’s a good point as well.