I just wondered if anyone had noticed any sulfur smells in their beer after using this yeast?
I tried a bottle of my new brew on saturday and there is a very noticable sulfur smell, the beer tastes ok once you get past the smell. The beer actually reminds me a lot of Marstons Pedigree which can sometimes have the sulfur overtones on draught.
The curious thing is that I didnt detect the smell before bottling. The beer has only been in bottles just over a week so hopefully the smell will dissapear over time? I never experienced this when I brewed with this yeast a couple of years ago the last time it was available so am interested to know what others experiences are.
I only used 1026 one time but I just kegged a beer made with Wyeast 1469 West Yorkshire yeast and it has major sulfur. This is my 3rd generation of use, I don’t believe my previous batches had any problem. Fermented at a steady 68F with temp control. Strange. I hope it clears up. Is your 1026 re-pitched over multiple gens or was yours right from the smack pack? Did you make a starter?
I recently bottled an ordinary bitter that used the British Cask Ale yeast. I have not noticed any sulfur flavors but I will have to try it again just to double check.
The yeast used in my brew was first generation and yes a starter was made and calculated as per mrmalty. The beer has now been in the bottle for several weeks and the sulfur has actually died down now and the beer is very good indeed. I did also correspond with Wyeast over this issue too and they had no ideas as to why the sulfur should have shown itself either!
I also made a brew using the West Yorkshire (again first generation) and I experienced no sulfur whatsoever with guy, it was an awesome attenuator though