Well this tube of yeast was a bit past the best used by date, and so I grew
it up slowly bit by bit to a pitchable quantity of a 3/4 gallon starter. Pitched
it into a 1.052 wert and kept it prolly at the upper end of it’s ideal range it seemed
happy enough fermenting along and I even tasted a bit about 5 days into the ferment.
Started to slow down and I got a little note of butter in that taste so I thought I would
move it into a warmer room for some D-rest time and it was in there for 2 days.
I retasted the hydrometer sample last nite and ewwww…sulfur big time…taste is beer
but smell is sulfur. I moved it back to the cooler ambient garage…50 ish temp
and will let it sit there for a good little spell. I just hope that I can coax the sulfur out and away.
I read the copper reactive thread from Keith and may drop a shiny copper penny in the beer
prior to racking to secondary. Then I will flush it with plenty of CO2…not sure what happened.
Some of my lagers have thrown off sullfur towards the end. It is coming out of your beer, so that is good. Once you package you can carb and flush some out by venting.
Tasted again this morning and the sulfur is greatly diminished. I know you are correct in that method :
I was just posting my experience with this yeast to have a thread about it in our data bank. I believe
I will keg it one morning this week and save the yeast cake to brew with one more time…perhaps this weekend.
I have a good stash of vienna malt and want to make another vienna lager in this same venue. I will be going
from dark color to a lighter color…backwards from most practice i know, but it ain’t for competition.
Mexican Lager and the sulfer small you have is common. As you noticed, with proper aging and a little agitation with CO2, the sulfer dissipates.
I am enviouse of your Mexican Lager Yeast, I started my lager routine when it came out seasonally many months back and after 6 brews I decided it was time to let it go. By then it was no longer available at my LHBS. I was not having any noticeable issues with it yet, but I did not want to roll the dice one more time.
In my opinion, this strain makes the best Vienna Lagers… the malt really comes through nicely and the hop flavor is clean and complimentary to the malt.
Tasted it again today and it has cleaned up the sulfur. I kegged
5 gallons of a negra wanna-be and the the last 1/2 inch of yeast
cake in the fermenter is still outgassing so Tomorrow when I
put fresh wert on that cake I expect good results.
Stayed on course and added another 5 gallons of 1.052 on top of the yeast cake
3 days later activity slowed way down and so I put it in for some D rest time.
After 24 hrs in the warmer room activity has picked up a bit. I like this yeast
so far. It is a good workhorse.