1st Brew, need advice

Thanks in advance.  Brand new to the hobby and loving it.

I am brewing a belgian tripel as my first brew.  Yeast was Safale S-33.  I have followed the directions explicitly but My OG was higher than I expected at start.  It was 1.060 so I figured I would roll with it as a dubbel.  It has been in a fermenter for 9 days strictly temp controlled at 65-67F and my gravity is now 1.020.  I tasted it and it is very sweet and looks very cloudy.  (not unpleasant tasting but too sweet for beer IMO).  I plan on bottle conditioning straight from primary this week.  What is my solution at this point?  I counted on it not being a true tripel but I did not expect it to be this sweet.  Can I pitch more yeast at this point?  I feel like I should have bought an extra packet and pitched it to begin with.

Thanks for your advice.


Is the specific gravity stable? If not you could get more attenuation by waiting.

Another packet of yeast likely would not have made a difference. Yeast reproduces until it decides there are “enough” cells for the volume and food content (sugars) available. Starting with two packs would have just stopped the reproduction a tad sooner. Either way the total yeast in the wort would have been about the same and those yeast would have eaten all the available sugars (at least all the types of sugar that yeast variety is capable of consuming).

Someone else may be able to comment on the feasibility of adding a different variety of yeast to eat sugars/starches the S33 yeast was unable to consume. I have never done that so I don’t know if it is a good idea or bad.

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S-33 is an English Ale fruit driven strain. It gives a high mouthfeel and body to the beer because it probably doesn’t metabolize maltotriose and it only gives a medium sedimentation — a powdery haze when resuspended in the beer.

You could add another strain to try to dry the beer out. Maybe EC-1116 which is good for restarting stuck fermentations.

Thanks for the replies.  I appreciate it.