Anyone tried Mangrove Jack's M31 Belgian Tripel yeast?

I plan on trying to brew a Belgian Dubbel in a week or so.  6 gallons in the fermenter, SG 1.065.  I’ve got two packs of Mangrove Jack’s M31 Belgian Tripel yeast on hand (expiry 04/2018).

  • What should I expect from that yeast?  Has anyone used it?

  • Should I pitch one pack or two?

If I recall correctly people have said it’s a bit of a heavy sulfur producer. Haven’t used it myself, please report back, I’d love it if a good Belgian ale dry yeast was available.

I just used it for the first time, the beer is in bottles now.  OG 1.09, including several pounds of honey.  finished at 1.000.  nice banana , clove, maybe some bubblegum.  never got any sulphur

Thanks for that report.  I’m still a week or two away from brewing this batch.  I’ll report back at FG and ready to drink.

That’s a really low FG but Belgian yeasts can do that, especially with honey or other sugars.  I’m going to use a lb. of candi syurp in my try.
What was your fermentation temperature schedule?  What temp did you start at, and finish at?  Also what temp did you mash at?

Mashed at 149. Ferment went from 64 degrees to 68 over 5 days, I added the honey on the sixth day. Kept at 68 for another 10 days.

Time for initial post-ferment report on my Belgian Dubbel brewed with this yeast.  Sorry for the delay, this beer got bumped down in the queue and brewed a month later than planned.

SG was 1.064 and FG is 1.006.  BeerSmith says 7.6% ABV.  Started at 61F for two days then ramped up to 77F over 5 days and held for 4 days.  Pitched one sachet re-hydrated.

FG sample tasted marvelous.  Very complex.  Malty with tons of plum, raisin and pear.  Maybe a little clove.  No sulfur.  Hot alcohol hopefully will smooth out with maturity.  Should have a crisp finish when carbonated.
This is going to be a good beer.

Glad to hear that it turned out well. The hotness should subside. I’m going to have to brew mine again, almost out. It has been a favorite among friends.