2 week Diacetyl rest?

So my Munich helles just arrived within 6 OG points from finishing and i have taken it out to let it rise to room temp for a Diacetyl rest. I would like to use my fermentation freezer to brew another batch while my Helles remains at 65ish for the diacetyl rest.
So ? is will it harm the lager to leave it at this temp for 2 weeks or so to ferm another brew?

I’ve done it.  Can’t say if it hurt it because I have nothing to compare to but I liked the beer I made.

Shouldn’t be a problem. My standard practice for lagers is to ferment, raise to 60’s for a D-rest/dry hop for up to 10 days, then bottle and condition warm for 3 weeks prior to lagering in the bottles. My lagers are generally at room temp for a month before I start lagering.

As long as primary fermentation has finished up there should be minimal impact by holding at a warmer temperature.

I do this a lot.  I think it will be fine.  If you have any cool part of your house to keep the fermenter cool after several days d-rest, it might be better, but don’t sweat it if you can’t, the beer will turn out fine anyway.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^what they said.

My only advice is to make sure not to open the fermenter, even to take a gravity reading.  If it will be out for 2 weeks, it will finish.  Don’t risk the chance of a fruit fly or bacteria by taking a reading.

