Has anybody figured out how to print NHc labels? I tried logging in from the registration link but it won’t recognize my email address though I know it’s right. Has anybody else had problems or am I just a moron?
You need to select the region you are entered in. Works for me, just logged in.
If that does not work, I would contact the AHA.
You can go to the Entry Shipping page on the AHA web site (http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/competitions/national-homebrew-competition/competition-information/entry-shipping-drop-off), and click on the name of the city where your entries will be judged. This opens up a window with the Online Registration for that competition. Click Log In at the top of the page. Enter your e-mail address and your password and click Submit. Now, click on My Info and Entries at the top of the page. In your page, scroll to the bottom of the page to the entry table. The link to print labels is on the right side in the table for each entry in the table.
Good luck in the competition!