2012 Conference Seminars Now Available

I know you’ve been waiting patiently for this announcement. So, I’ve very pleased to let you know the audio files and slide shows from the 2012 conference are now available to AHA members.

Starting with the 2012 conference, the AHA is providing this information as your newest members-only resource on www.HomebrewersAssociation.org.

A wide range of topics are covered at the conference, including formulation of beer recipes, beer styles, homebrewing techniques, brewing ingredients, beer and food, brewing history and more.

Members, log-in and check out all 30 of the 2012 seminars. Non-members, join the AHA to access all the benefits of membership.

Helpful Links
Homebrew Seminars - (new home for the conference seminars)

2012 Conference Seminars - (members-only, must be logged in)

AHA Members-Only Resources


You just made my day. thanks!


I highly recommend Greg Doss’ talk on attenuation.

I really liked the Berliner Weisse presentation from Jess Caudil & Jason Kahler of Wyeast. Very good information!

These are all really awesome since I barely made it to the seminars because I was being such a Chatty Cathy.

Thank you!  I will post a link to my home brew club and hopefully that will get some of them to register with the AHA!

Now if I could only find my AHA card. Is the ID on the Zymurgy cover per chance?

Used to be on the mailing label.

Your member number is on the mailing label of your Zymurgy. It’s 9-digits and starts with a 9 or a bunch of zeros.

However, to access the members-only content on www.HomebrewersAssociation.org, you just need to log into the site.

Go to the top left hand side of the side and choose Log In. If you’re already logged into the Forum, you might not need to log-in again. You’ll then be prompted to supply your username and password. There are “forgot” options, if you need some help.

You can also set up a new account, if you haven’t yet connected your AHA membership to the site.

If you have more questions, call 888.822.6273 x 123 or email info@brewersassociation.org.


Awesome! Thanks!

Awesome! Can’t wait to check these out.

It’s too bad these can’t be set up as a podcast so I can subscribe to them on my podcast player…

That was a good presentation and discussion. - I really enjoyed it, though some of the methods were really only do-able in a lab setting!  So thanks to Greg for taking the time and to Wyeast for allotting the lab space and equipment.

It will be interesting to see this data coupled with beer tasting notes in the future.

Thanks for this great service to those of us not fortunate enough to have attended the NHC.

And for those of us who where fortunate enough but the details remain … hazy. :wink:

You can’t see all of them, so this is how you see the others. Hazy? Maybe on Saturday morning.

I cannot seem to find Jamie Floyd’s Brewing Beer with Fresh Hops presentation. Since it’s almost harvest time, it would be nice to have as a reference.

I’m working on tracking that one down. Waiting to hear back from the audio company we used and have contacted Jamie for the presentation. I’ll update this thread when it is up.


Awesome! Thanks.