Homebrew Con 2022 Seminar Recordings Now Published

Hello everyone,

We are pleased to publish the 2022 Homebrew Con seminar recordings https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/how-to-brew/2022-homebrew-con-seminar-recordings/?utm_source=sfmc&utm_meduim=Email&utmCampaign=AHA of more than 40+ seminars.

The content is simply incredible and the recordings cover an array of cutting-edge topics on homebrewing trends, making beer, other fermentation projects, and the homebrewing community. Click on the seminars (in alphabetical order) to see a description on the topic and speaker.

Thank you to each of the speakers who gave their knowledge and time to American Homebrewers Association membership. As well, thank you to the AHA Seminar Working Group who helped vet 96 seminar applications (!) adding up to many months and hours of very valued work.

Don’t forget to visit the Homebrew Con seminar searchable archive on HomebrewersAssociation.org, where there are now over 500 recordings.


P.S. Any questions on website access, we’re here to help via phone and email https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/contact-us/ Monday - Friday.

P.S.S. Save the date for June 22-24 and the 2023 Homebrew Con in San Diego, California.

Excellent! Thank you for letting us know.


Thank you for beating me to the punch @brewnWKopperKat. That was my next post. Thanks for sharing. EPIC info from the ever amazing John Palmer. Once you watch this you won’t brew without adjusting your water in some form.