NHC Seminars

Anyone know when the seminars from this year’s NHC will be posted/uploaded?

Its been a while since you posted this and I’m still looking for the seminars. I only see 2 seminars from Portland posted.

Any idea when the others will be posted?

I was going to post the link. Saw they were up on the 8th. Today they are gone.

I will cantact the AHA.

I’ve been checking. I must have missed them on the 8th. Looking forward to them.

It is GABF week. That means all of the BA and AHA staff are on site in Denver. All hands on deck, or maybe battle stations. If I get a reply I will pass it on. Keep in mind that they may not be able to get it done. Be patient please.

Judging started today.

In the two month since the conference, I haven’t seen any signs of anyone being impatient.

Just saying that it will take a while before we get answers as the craziness of GABF is happening.

If we could watch them all right now, what would we do all winter?

Good point!  ;D

I have a lot Denny and Drew’s podcasts to catch up on…

…and I’m just saying: based on no one saying anything about it for months is a pretty good indication that no one is impatient.

I’ll be impatient - give me my NHC!  Just kidding, I can wait- since I didn’t fly out to the Pacific NW, it is the price I have to pay.  Looking forward to the postings.

I see the seminars are now online: Homebrew Con Seminars | American Homebrewers Association

They got it done.

The audio drops out at about the two and a half minute mark on the Martin Brungard presentation. “Boil Pro: What homebrewers can learn from Pros on wort boiling”

Can someone check on this?

Waving the flag…

Thanks. If there is someone at AHA that I should contact directly, please let me know.

Not impatient… but not sure why it takes three months to get them posted, either. (And IIRC this year took significantly longer than years past.) GABF wouldn’t be impacting this if they’d been posted back in July… or even August.

Most conferences I attend that do a similar thing get them posted within a week or so, and more often than not within a couple of days / within the first week post-conference.

While I believe it’s great a conference is held, I also believe it should be evident that a very large majority of the membership did not attend in person.  I disagree that I should have to pay some sort of passive dominant penance for my inability to travel annually to the NW, N, and NE to get information along with a small minority of this association. In this age of technology and information flow, all members should share equally in the benefit that we even have a conference.

Hi all,

I want to chime in with an explanation for the delay in posting these, and the fact that some of them are without an accompanying recording. The Oregon Convention Center’s A/V team failed to record several presentations. We were extremely disappointed to hear about this failure shortly after the conference concluded, and it has been an arduous task to get the seminars that they succeeded in recording from them.

Here is a brief re-cap, as summed up by the Oregon Convention Center’s A/V director:

It was a combination of things – equipment and human failure. A perfect storm as they say.
We subcontracted the recording piece as we were tapped for people and inventory by that point- 2 weeks out. So, that put our vendor under pressure to find six capable people. They’re a great partner and we’ve never had any issues with them in the past.
One of the techs was obviously out of his depth and messed up all but one of his records out of three days worth of sessions. This despite my checking in everyday, at least twice and having one of our staff on hand if he needed anything.
A hard drive failed on one day losing three sessions.
One of my techs mysteriously missed a session.
I missed that they had two sessions from 2pm - 4pm on the last day when all the rest of the rooms were turning.
I can think of things I would do differently and some of this was just bad luck too. Very frustrating.

I appreciate everyone’s patience, and I know that it was difficult to wait this long without an explanation. We hope that you all enjoy the seminars now that they have been posted. If you have any issues with a particular seminar, please email me and I will be happy to help: matt@brewersassociation.org

Thanks, all! Happy brewing!