The AHA posted updates to the National Homebrew Competition for 2018 on and we want to make sure all AHA Forum users see the information.
Competition Updates
You can find all the current 2018 information, including important deadlines, on the NHC main page. Please make sure to read the updated Rules and Regulations, which also contain the National Homebrew Competition styles that are reorganized from the 2015 Beer Judge Certification Program Style Guidelines. For more specifics on styles, please reference the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines for beer, mead, or cider. The Online Competition Application opens January 23, 2018 and runs through January 30, 2018. Mark your calendars!
Keep an eye on the NHC main page for more specific dates and other information to be announced.
Update Your Club Info
If you’d like your club to compete for the NHC Homebrew Club Award and the Gambrinus Award, check to see if your club is in our club database and that the information is correct. If not, make sure to register or update your club’s information by midnight, December 31, 2017. Club registration with the AHA is free.
I also registered in the first day (first hour actually) and others who registered a day later already got notified. But they were in a different region so I’m hoping it’s just a matter of time.
I found my final notice email in my junk folder yesterday and submitted payment and registration details just under the wire. Maybe my initial notice went there and I didn’t see it.
like a lot of people I logged in and saw that I had entries before I got the email.
Just sayin’ people should be proactive if something is important to them, not sit waiting until deadlines potentially pass while emails are lost in cyberspace or spam folders.
I didn’t even think I could do this, but looks like I have two entries for Chicago. Registered on the last day, haven’t gotten an email yet though. My question is: I have 72 hours to pay for entries from when I get an email. If I don’t get an email, how do I know when I have to pay? Question 2: if I understand the dates and deadlines in the link below, I have until March 30th to declare a style for my entries?
Yes on the second part about March 30th.
As to the first, if the alternative is possibly having missed an email and thus your 72 hours has already started, I’d just go ahead and see if you can pay now, ya know?
Login to what? I’ve tried logging into the competition site and it says it isn’t your AHA login but something that you get from the e-mail confirmation that you were accepted.
I’ll note that Gmail decided to automatically archive my emails (First notice, deadline approaching, and deadline extended emails), so definitely check that. I was checking my spam and my inbox and didn’t see it. I think if you’ve competed before you can reset your password and get in that way.
use the email address you used when registering for your entries and you AHA number (including leading zeros) as your password.