3 Floyd's Yum-Yum

So I am my local dive bar and somebody buys me a beer. Asks me if I have ever had a Yum_yum. I said no what is that? I was thinking it was some kind of fruity mixed drink which I don;t go for.

Anyway, know it is this regional brew from 3 Floyd’s in Munster IN. I live in Indy so I guess I must be lucky.

Holy Cow!! I think I may have found my personal Holy Grail of beers! What a knockout beer- I was simply floored and nursed that thing for an hour. Just unreal - an APA with just the right of malt for the hops to ride on and it is hoppy. Grapefruit and pine were in the forefront and then the malt slid in with just enough sweetness to balance. Creamy off white head with spectacular lacing.

It is marketed as a session but I guess from what I understand not a session since it is like 5.5% ABV.

I realize that those that have tried may not have my enthusiasm but this is the One for me.

So, anyone know how they did it!!

Nope. But they’re one of the best breweries in the country, so I’m not surprised. I need to find some !

Hoosier Brew,

Oh no, is it hard to find?

Damned, I was entertaining visions of walking out of that bar with what they had! I could see at least 4 in their under bar cooler and I was like the friggin cookie Monster! I gots to have it all!

Have you had it? Wow, it was just unreal for me.

By the way, hello neighbor! I am in Plainfield myself.

I love that beer.  They want a lot of money for their beer but I haven’t had a bad one yet.

Hey, welcome! I live in New Pal so we’re probably 45ish minutes apart. I doubt it’s hard to find though some of theirs definitely are obviously . I haven’t had it yet but I didn’t know to look ! I will be now. Cheers.

Yum yum is about as consistently distributed 3Fs beer in northeast Ohio as any. By consistently, I mean it shows up on occasion lol. I have a couple bottles remaining from a six pack. This beer is one of my favorite sessions. This is a beer that I wish that I could have in cans all summer long. (I like canned session beers such as All Day as I do work around the yard).

3Fs does not give out too much info about their recipes though, but I would think this to be a relatively simple recipe.

If I were to attempt to clone it, which I’ve not exactly try to clone it, but I make several beers along these lines, I would do something like this…

OG 1.054ish
Mash at 152 for 60
90% pale malt
10% Munich

FWH (60ish IBU) with Equinox, Galaxy, and Amarillo (or a combo of any fruity hops - Azacca, Citra, mosaic, centennial would all work in any combo)
0 minute with the same hop combo and let it soak with a nice hopstand. - an ounce per gallon
Dry hop with the same combo - also an ounce per gallon.

Chico yeast… Start it cool around 63-64 and let it rise up after a week or so.


Yeah, I have looked it up and it looks like 10 bucks for a six. That is high for me but I have been drinking swill so I’ll pay it. Gladly I will. I could just sit down with one or two of these and all will be well!

$12 or $13 here in Ohio.


Well, hey come up to Plainfield sometime. We’ll go over there and grab a couple. What a revealtion. I guess  may be giving a lot of credit but this one rocks!

Damned, thank you. You are way beyond be in terms of expertise. I have printed this out though to refer to. Yeah, I could live with this one all summer long. Jeez- I really like!

May take you up on that sometime!

Lol I don’t know how much of an expert I am. I guess I didn’t consider if you were a grain or extract brewer. Like I said though, this is a beer to keep relatively simple. I brew beers along these lines for parties and family reunions and such. Many people will drink this beer even if they aren’t a “beer” person. Even though it packs a hop punch, it’s light and dry, which gives it great drinkability.

I pay $12.99 when I can get it.

I have had the beer but it’s not one of my favorites from 3FD’s. A couple things I have come to hear about 3FD’s though is this:

  1. IMO they are kind of “old school” with their beers. Although they push the envelope of creativity the recipe formulation is something they seem to keep within their comfort zone.

  2. I have heard it rumored their house yeast is 1968 ESB. Which is not surprising since many breweries use the same yeast.

  3. I have also heard they love Melanoidin Malt and put it in many of their beers.

The hop character in Yum Yum comes off to me very citrusy, grapefruit yet with some pine and “dank”.
That makes me think of a blend of Amarillo/Simcoe. Maybe something in there to bring a bigger fruity character without being like straight up Citra or something similar.