3 Floyd's Zombie Dust

A good friend sent me some Zombie Dust from 3 Floyd’s.  Wow!  What a great beer. Having lived in Indiana for a couple of  years, 3 Floyd’s was a favorite of mine (Alpha King) and would frequent their tap room, but never had their zombie dust.  Total citrus bomb and obviously full of citra.

Great beer.  What are other’s thoughts?

Yep, definitely a Citra bomb. Good stuff. I sometimes avoid the heavy Citra beers, but I tried it last year and really liked it. 3Fs rocks !

I wasn’t knocked out by it. Completely unbalanced (and I’m a hop head) with not much malt to stand on at all. I guess part of that was that it was so hyped up that it fell flat when I finally approached it. It reminds me of a “session IPA” which is a “style” I just don’t find very sessionable.

I enjoyed it.  I’m not a big hop head, so I didn’t expect to be wowed.  But it was tastier than I expected.

I understand Keith’s response.  I find Pliny doesn’t live up the hype.  But I was expecting Nirvana based on everything one hears.

Zombie Dust is a good beer, but probably not one that I will choose over others in the cooler when I’m at the store.  My usual go to IPA is Odell’s IPA, which for my tastes is one of the more balanced IPAs out there.

+1.  I tried Zombie Dust because I like a lot of Three Floyd’s beers, before all the cult status hype of it.  If I’d tried it after hearing all that I’m sure I’d have felt it wasn’t worthy of the crazy hype.

It was good enough that I had a second pint at a bar in Indiana.  Not Thebest beer I ever had, though.

it always amuses me how people just getting into craft beers and IPAs have been wowed by the ZD I would share with them, yet homebrewers often are underwhelmed.  I think our beers are just that damn good.  First response from my boss - “it kinda tastes like that IPA you make, but not as awesome” - yes, yes it does.    ;D
