Interesting read. I can’t emphasize your last point enough: “can we layoff the scatalogical and sex references?”
Every time I see a “panty-dropper” beer I want to yell at the person who named it. I would love to see the homebrewing community grow, and more women interested in brewing, but the macho attitudes ensure only women with the thickest skin will endure.
I don’t name my beers, but I don’t take them anywhere to show them off.
That was a late add for me and maybe it’s 16 years in California or getting older, but I’m flat out bored with that sort of lazy naming and it does the community as a whole no good.
I don’t have an opinion on beer names, except that anything should go. I do however have one of getting women involved in brewing. Why? Can’t men have a hobby of their own? Do we always need to be so PC and accommodating to all?
Why be inclusive? Because it’s a hell of a lot more interesting and vibrant than being exclusive. Plenty of things are male “exclusive” in the world and I don’t really feel like this hobby needs to be another of them. There are a number of women already in this hobby and a number more who are curious and why in all that’s holy in the universe would you want to discourage that? (I’ll stop here to avoid going political)
Besides, I don’t really view not being crass as being PC. I view it as being polite. (And like I said… I find the scatalogical boring as well… be creative)
I find your article extremely funny. My wife would be very offended that you used the word F__K and I’m sure there are many other women that feel the same way. Are you really trying to appeal to them.
I’m not suggesting that we go out of our way to keep them out of the hobby and yes, there are many already in it, but do we really have to change our beer names to accommodate them? I won’t.
Didn’t say I was consistent and/or perfect and was out to avoid offending everyone. What person is? I do consider there to be a vast difference between the occasional f bomb used as punctuation (as it was in the article) and the number of things I see named “Liquid Panty Remover” every year.
If you don’t want to change your names, then march forth proudly, after all, no one made my opinion law!
I’ve never understood the logic behind those names. It sounds like people are advertising that they’re date rapists. If you need to get women really drunk for them to take off their clothes for you, you’re doing life wrong.
I cannot be bothered to name my beers. Usually, it’ll be called after it’s style inspiration: “Special Bitter” or “Pale Ale” for example. Why name them? Sounds like a commitment. I don’t want to get too attached since they are rarely around long enough.
I’ve been inspired by this thread to come up with a few beer names:
“Winning personality” Porter
“Sense of humor” Saison
“Not much of a talker, but I love to listen” Lambic