A couple months ago, I was reading up on starters and someone had a great idea. On brew day, crash your starter early in the day and then as you’re pulling wort into the kettle, decant your starter and fill it with your new, fresh wort. Great idea! The first time I did it, we cooled the wort down and then added it to the starter yeast. Yesterday, in a bone head move, I just pulled it right out of the kettle (before I put the flame on) and added it to the yeast. The wort had to be between 155 and 160. So, we cooled it very quickly in an ice bath and everything seems to be fine. Fermentation has taken off and we’re bubbling away. Does anyone think there will be any long term damage here? Will the yeast react differently due to the high temp at start? What about the temp fluctuations, from 160 to 70 in a few minutes??? Like I said, fermentation has taken off, so I’m not too worried but thought I’d ask you guys for your thoughts.
If you added wort that was 155-160 degrees to your starter it probably killed some of the yeast but it also depends on the volume and temp of your starter when you added the hot wort. Chances are your beer has been underpitched which will impact beer flavor at the end of the day.
Would you suggest grabbing another tube of yeast and pitching it in today?
My biggest concern would be killing the yeast. If it’s fermenting, then that isn’t the problem. If you had a thick slurry and didn’t mix the yeast with the water, it could have been somewhat self-insulating.
I agree with Ron; once it’s going, it might show the effects of under-pitching, but I wouldn’t worry about the brief temp change. All this assumes you had the desired cell count going in. If you didn’t measure it, how do you know you no longer have enough?
Check the gravity and make sure it’s dropping. As long as it’s heading in the right direction at the right pace, you are probably fine. If it looks like it’s slowing prematurely, you can repitch then. If it looks like a healthy fermentation, then it probably is.
As Gordon stated, monitor the gravity and act accordingly. Keep us updated and we’ll advise as required.
Good Luck!
Thanks, Gentlemen.