Want a little more roast flavor/color in a beer that went into secondary last night (DAMN ME for not double crushing the grains this time!!!
Initial thought:
Make a mini-mash of Roasted/Carafa. Boil/cool and add to secondary.
I really wont get much in the way of fermentables but was thinking of fermenting it out and then adding.
I just did that. I had a Foreign stout that I wanted more roast in. I got a pound of roast barley and soaked it, then boiled it. I cooled it in the fridge and then added it to the keg until I got the roast I wanted. No worries about any fermentables.
I’ll do a taste test on what volume and then add it.
Beer was 68 and flat when I sampled it. I’ll cool and force carb a sample to see if it really needs it before adding anything but my head tells me it needs a little.
I’ll definitely pour some samples and add by tiny increments to get it where I want it.
I steeped the grain and then boiled the wort. My stout was in a keg so I just added some cooled wort in portions until I got the roast I was looking for
Great topic. A lot of times I want to make half of a 10 gallon batch dark, but I haven’t steeped grains in about 14 years and was wondering what the best way to do it would be. I could just steep X amount in a little water, boil and add to one fermenter.
Friend of mine does it with partigyle mashes
First would be say his IPA then the second runnnigs a Porter with either dark grains added to the mash or steeped in the kettle