Adding rye to Scottish Ale

I was curious if anyone has tried adding rye to a Scottish 60 or 70?  I have made a 60 several times and was thinking it might be interesting to build out the body of it a bit with some portion of rye malt.  Something like

OG = 1.035
FG ~ 1.013
ABV ~ 3%

5.75lb Maris Otter
1lb Rye Malt
6oz C120
6oz C45
4oz Pale Chocolate

1oz EKG @ 45min

Wyeast 1968

Anyone tried putting rye in something like that?  It isn’t a particularly small percentage, but I don’t know if I would get too much rye character.

I’d go oats if anything. Rye sounds like it would clash

I’ve tried oats before and didn’t get the change I was hoping for.  You could tell the oats were in there, but it didn’t seem to have a significant effect on the body of the beer.  Maybe the mouthfeel of it was somewhat “softer” (for lack of a better term), but not really heavier.  I’m going for something to make it feel a bit more substantial on the tongue, like a larger beer would be.

I think it’s an excellent idea.  Rye does not have a very powerful flavor at all so you might not even pick it up besides in the mouthfeel.

How would flaked rye work out?

I’m not really sure what kind of difference I would get from flaked vs malted in the final beer.  I was leaning toward malted unless there is a compelling reason otherwise.

I don’t think it makes any difference, at least not in this low percentage of the grist.

Are flaked and rolled the same?
I would think that flaked or rolled would have more available starch since they have been heated, gelatinized and or smooshed and also more surface area.

Yeah, flaked and rolled are the same.  Maybe I’ll have to make it both ways to compare.

That said, I picked up malted rye at the brew shop yesterday so the first go of it will have malted rye in it.

I think it would make a nice addition as well Nate. You will most likely only pick up on it in the body and mouthfeel of the beer which sounds like exactly what you are looking for.