rye malt vs flaked rye

I brewed a ‘summer rye’ beer recently with 10% rye malt. What kind of differences should I expect if I was to use flaked rye instead? I am not sure how well my mill crushed the rye malt so I thought flaked rye may be a better option next time.

I find flaked rye to have a mellower, less prominent flavor.  Have you tried running the rye malt though the mill twice?

I had all the grain together in one bag and just milled it at once. I honestly didn’t inspect the rye after it was milled. My efficiency was lower than usual and I thought that maybe it was a milling issue with the rye.

I think the flaked rye may be the way to go for this one but I need to develop the recipe regardless. It’s a mongrel of a beer but tasting pretty good right now. I will probably just try flaked next time and see what I get. Thanks!

You’ll never know til you try it!

I know that Denny wil cringe at this, but I made a rye ale from the Craft Beers for Homebrewers book (great book by the way!) using both flaked and rye malt per the recipe…I used a full bag of rice hulls and was glad I did.  The mash didn’t’ stick, so much as the fine gummy flaked rye held back some wort on top of the grain bed when it drained - I got a couple cups more of wort by slicing the top of the grain bed with a few slits and sucking hard to restart the siphon.  Worked like a champ, but anticipate this as you run that second/batch sparge through.  It fermented like crazy with ice bottles rotated in to cool.  The beer literally finished in about five days at 62-64, but I’m going to wait it out before racking.  Probably one of the best smelling ales I have ever brewed and I can’t wait to taste it!

Makes me want to brew with some rye - been a while. Love that spiciness. I see a rye IPA coming up !

I just made two rye beers, a rhubarb rye I
Saison and Denny’s rye ipa. I followed Denny’s recipe exactly and its awesome. I followed Denny’s advice I saw somewhere about using at least 15% rye malt when formulating mye saison recipe and it seemed spot on when I sampled the hydrometer while bottling a week ago. I crushed the rye malt desperately, running through twice. I think I may have even tweaked the settings on the mill.
Edit: I crushed the rye malt separately, not desperately. Sorry for being so dramatic.

The malted rye is definitely more prominent rye flavor to it. I can use almost 10% flaked rye and barely taste the rye.

and the malted rye doesn’t make your beer taste plasticy at high percentages like the flaked does.

Anybody else find the Weyermann Rye Malt to be really mellow? I used it at high percentages (around 25%), and just didn’t get the rye flavor I wanted. I like rye malt more overall, but also like to mix some flaked rye in as well.

Yep.  That’s why I prefer Briess rye malt.  That’s about the only Briess malt I do care for.