Addtives, need some thoughts.

So, I just brewed 15 gallons last weekend and realize I’m getting down to the end of a few things.  Sanitizer, whirlfloc, fermcap, and yeast nutrient.

Sanitizer is a no brainer, you gotta have that.  The ferm cap I’m losing, I only bought it a couple years ago, with a small pot it really does help with boil overs.  Now I only boil in my keggle, even 5 gallon batches, so usually no worries with boil overs.

I’m debating on not continuing the whirlfloc and the yeast nutrient.  I’ve forgotten to add either of them to a few batches and they turned out fine.  I’m not trying to skimp at all, I really care about my beer, I don’t mind paying for it, if I get results.  I just don’t want to be paying for and adding things that are really unnecessary.  What do you guys think?

I’ve never used Fermcap so not much of an opinion on that one.

I use Irish Moss in most of my beers and can tell when I don’t.  Not in final clarity but rather in how long it takes to clear.  In my brewery I wouldn’t stop using IM or Whirlflock intentionally.


I thought about that, but my beers normally sit in the primary for at least a month before I do anything with them.  So, that’s why I was considering nixing the whirlfloc.  A nice long primary clears my beers up pretty good and a cold crash helps too.

I would definitely resupply on the yeast nutrient.  And I’d switch to Irish moss, it’s way cheaper and will work just as well for your timeline.  You could leave it out though, you can always order more if you decide you need it.

Yeah, like you said, resupply the sanitizer and I’d resupply the yeast nutrient.  The other two you could go ahead an lose