Nearly a week ago I started fermenting a 1.080 wort. I used a WLP001 and WLP002 blend for this beer. Throughout the process I observed good sanitation procedures and have not had any issues in other batches, yet.
I pitched a starter to the wort last week and I’m still getting a bit of activity. The krausen is still in full force, producing C02 and about 3" thick. For the hell of it I did take a gravity reading, which is about 1.024, with expected FG of 1.021.
I realize the yeast may be doing its thing, but it seems to not be slowing down whatsoever.
I have not noticed any off smells or flavors (and did sneak a taste after checking gravity yesterday).
I wouldn’t worry, some fermenations take longer than others. perhaps you will end up with a lower FG than you expected but that could be due to a number of other things.
Temp has been just below 70 degrees farenheit. Thankfully enough floccuation began yesterday after I got all worried and such. I guess what’s even more strange is that all my other brews (10 batches) fermented quickly and similarly.