AEB Fermolager-W

I am giving this dry yeast a trial Pils - assuming it’s close to 34/70 in performance.  Any experiences to pass along on this one?  I’ll be fermenting in the low 50’sF and under a few psi.  Just wondering what others may have found….

I believe that’s the same yeast as Cellar Science ‘German’.  I only add that so those who used ‘German’ can provide you with their opinion of the strain.

As I said in another recent post concerning the Cellar Science strains I’ve tried:  I did not find the results I was looking for so I went back to Lallemand and Fermentis. Others were very happy with their outcomes. YMMV

One day, you’ll wake up and there won’t be anymore time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Don’t wait. Do it now.

Thought I would bump this to advise that this yeast is a nice clean lager yeast.  I fermented a couple German Pils batches and added a Helles to the list yesterday.  I am guessing that it is close to Weihenstephaner 34/70.  I’ll take it out to 6-7 generations and see how it holds up.  So far, so good.