Will the AHA NHC app rolled out in San Diego be updated for Baltimore?

iOS app got updated yesterday for me

Supposed to be.  Android app was not updated as of this morning.

edit: Scratch that.  They made a new app instead of updating the previous one.  Go to the website for the link to download the new one.

Automatically updated for me,  Looks great.

Thanks, found it and downloaded.

Is it still being updated?  For example, the NHC website schedule shows the AHA Forum meetup at 12:45 - 1:45pm, but the app shows it from 11:15am - 12:15pm.

There are definite glitches.  The BJCP stuff on Wednesday (judges reception) is split wrong.

Hi guys -

There are a few updates still being made to the app - a few of which have already been noted here. The app should be completely updated in the next day or so.

Unfortunately, there will be a typo in the conference program. The program has already been sent to print stating that the AHA Forum Meet & Greet will be from 11:15am - 12:15pm on Friday. PLEASE NOTE that the correct time for the AHA Forum Meet & Greet will actually be 12:45pm - 1:45pm on Friday in the Social Club. The app is now correct, and the website is correct. Additionally, there will be signs on site with the correct time. If you guys can help spread the word, I would appreciate it!

Sorry for the confusion, folks.

See you all next week!

Matt Bolling
AHA Events & Membership Coordinator

As a first time attendee this is the first I’ve heard of the app. I’ve been playing around with it and seems really useful! Kudos to the folks that made it happen.