Midyear 2024 Update for AHA Members and new AHA Forum

Hello all, wanted to let AHA Forum users know about our midyear 2024 update for AHA members full of AHA news and updates. <Note: If you get the AHA Newsletter this post would already have been emailed to you.> The update includes information on a new AHA Forum. Jazzed to share this news. Read herehttps://www.homebrewersassociation.org/news/midyear-2024-update-for-aha-members/.

Cheers, Julia

I think a lot of users will welcome easier uploading of pictures.

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You, me and all of us.  :slight_smile:

That’s good to hear: the current platform is getting a bit long in the tooth.  Can you share which product we’re migrating to? Did you find a way to migrate the existing posts? I’ve always assumed that was the long pole in the tent preventing moving to a more modern system.

Since she said it came at significant expense (paraphrasing), I’d guess vBulliten.

No, it’s not, but I’m not at liberty to say what it is. The mods have had a chance to evaluate several options and make our suggestions.

Discourse is the new platform. Regarding existing posts (which are gems in so many ways based on the collective wealth of knowledge by Forum users and our mods), what is in motion is to move over the full body of work. There also will be an opportunity to share feedback once in the new interface is launched, as one-and done for this move is not the intention.

Brew on. Julia

And thank you Denny, for the ongoing engagement and giving towards the forum.  :slight_smile:

I hate Discourse! It should be called Disorganized. It’s a pain in the ass to go back and find previous info.

Kevin good to know and I’ve learned all platforms have a spectrum of options, strengths and requirements. We’ve tested and tested and are excited about landing on the robust package of functionality. Would you be willing to be one of our feedback users since you have experience? Reach out direct if so. ahaed@brewersassociation.org.

After I posted that it occurred to me… I was talking about the app Discord. Is there another platform called “Discourse”? If that’s the case, I don’t know that one so disregard my post.

Yes, there is a forum platform called Discourse.  Used by folks like Samsung, et al.  Look up Discourse forum examples and you can go check out some forums using that platform. It’s a different layout for sure, but I have zero experience with it. I’ve never posted a single message on one of those forums.  The interface does appear geared toward mobile devices which isn’t a desirable benefit to me, as I’m old-school.

And I agree, I’d rather be poked in the eye with a sharp stick vs spending time on discord…

Correct. Discourse YES. Discord No.

Thanks for committing to migrating posts. I remember when Northern Brewer migrated and deleted everything, it pretty much killed their forum.

I don’t think there was consideration of any other way. When I was on the GC, I was adamant about retaining the knowledge base on a new forum.

I was extremely vocal about my displeasure when the Northern Brewer forum conversion happened (this was roughly 10 years ago?).  I had invested literally probably thousands of hours on the NB forum prior to the transition, and considered it the best of all forums or in the top 2 anyway, it used to be great, with a ton of traffic.  What really caused the most pain with the NB transition to their new forum platform was that all links were immediately broken.  Links had been previously listed within threads and/or which had been previously distributed all over the web (e.g., favorite recipes, favorite threads, useful brewing tips and advice, etc.) all immediately were broken so you couldn’t find any of that stuff easily anymore, and they also only transferred a small portion of previous threads to the new forum and not 100%, so even if the links had worked, a lot of the stuff was just GONE.

Let’s please, PLEASE, not ruin all the links, if at all possible.  I have no idea how the new AHA platform functions, but IF the new platform breaks links, then I would be 1000% against changing it.

Thanks for these items to watch out for. Keep sharing them. #PayingAttention.

If you’re talking about links in the body of one post to other posts, that’s gonna be a non-trivial challenge.

For my 2¢, if the migration makes search work again and allows direct uploading of images, it’s worth it even if it breaks the links.

Edit: I like the idea of “Born mobile” and modern spam-blocking, too.

To shift away from the forum discussion:

I realize I’m not everybody, and others may have different, equally valid perspectives, but here are my random thoughts on some of the topics in the update.

What resources and member benefits fit for tomorrow’s members? What solutions should the AHA provide, and what programs or services will see the most engagement?

I think the survey responses provide at least some guidance:

• Information on brewing technology and techniques;
• providing validated recipes; and
• improving homebrewing rights and privileges.

What business model sets the AHA up for future success?

Two main thoughts here:

One, I think there’s to merit to the idea of spinning of from the BA. Automotive hobbyists don’t join a subsidiary of the SAE, as far as I know. Hobbyists have a rather different set of needs and priorities from people trying to make a living at something.

Second, I like the idea that’s been thrown around before of “federalizing” the AHA. Let clubs be like VFW posts or scout troops that aggregate into local and regional “councils” and districts. Map these groups onto local & regional rounds of the NHC … and segue into the next question ——

What type of national and annual gathering will resonate and attract the most members, where should it be hosted, and what is a reasonable cost of attendance? How can the AHA continue providing community when fewer members attend events?

Smaller regional gatherings that require less investment from the organizer and the attendees.

I can pop over to Atlanta, say, for a “Southeast Homebrew Conference” at lot easier than buying airfare to a national conference.  I’m fairly comfortable financially, but my household budget can’t support solo trips to Cali or Colorado for my hobby.

And the focus needs to be on community. There are so many articles, videos, & books floating around that no one needs to go to a conference to listen to lectures. The focus needs to be on the face-to-face interaction that can’t happen online or in print. If there’s an educational forum, it needs to be the hands on stuff you can’t do virtually.

(For those same reasons, I don’t think online conferences are a good option.)

What role should the AHA play in supporting homebrew clubs and retail supply shops?

Unless you’re going to directly subsidize them so they can compete with the “Amazon-ization” of retail, I’m not sure there’s much we can do. Small specialty shops of all sorts are struggling.

What technologies and media platforms best serve how you, as members, want to receive information?

Can I vote for not videos?  Text and audio are best for me.

How can we get more beginners to homebrew and those who are intermediate to advance?

For beginners, focus on low-cost beginners kits. Things that people can do without a bunch of new hardware.

What evolutions in homebrewing should we anticipate, and what other fermentation and beverage interests will AHA members have?

I don’t know that I can anticipate any “hot new things”, but I enjoy the coverage of non-beer recipes & techniques in Zymurgy when new (or old) things pop up.

Lots of good ideas,  but a reality…I don’t see any any way the AHA could separate from the BA.  Low cost kits are great, but somehow you have to male people want them and to want to get involved with brewing. But people just aren’t into beer the way they used to be. Until beer becomes the cool beverage again, I don’t see much demand for  brewing kits.