I brewed a kit from Morebeer with all citra hops and it turned out really good. So I found this one and am going to give it a try. I think the grain bill on this one is a bit different than the Morebeer one, so I want to see what the taste difference is. Here is the one I found:
“Overhang IPA”
Mash temp 150 for 60 mins
Boil time 60 mins
Est PreBoil Gravity 1.052
Est OG 1.055
Est FG 1.011
Est ABV 6.2%
.7 ounces at 60
1.2oz at 15, 10, 5, 0
2.65oz at either dry hop after fermentation for 4 or 5 days or whirlpool when wort reaches 135
Yeast Bry97 (recipe call for Lutra, but as I have read my ferm temps don’t get high enough to justify the extra money, and I have Bry97 on hand)
My recipe says to transfer to keg after 5 to 6 days, but that seems very fast. Might leave it in the fermenter another week or so.
This sure seems like a lot of Citra hops but based on Brewfather the IBU is at 69 or so. I have to go look back at some other recipes, but it seems some of my others have been higher.
Any input on this recipe? I know everyone has an opinion, but I am thinking of giving it a go. Wondering if a 60 minute addition of Mosiac or Chinook or something would bring a bit more to the party? Thoughts?
I just kegged my all Citra IPA. 2 row and Crystal 40. My total amount of Citra was 269 grams ( 9.5 ozs. ). I bought 7 lbs. a couple of years ago so I need to use them up. It tasted fine, nothing over the top. I do think when it is time to buy more hops I will go with Citra and another hop I haven’t decided to use yet. I just want something a little different in my IPA’s. Citra is a great hop. Prices have come down lately too compared to when I bought it. Your recipe looks fine, I just keep it simple with 8 ozs. of Crystal 40.
I think the amount of Citra is just fine, though you could probably simplify the timing of the additions with no real noticeable difference. Maybe 60, 10, 0, dry? Just a thought.
My bigger concern is a grain bill that comes across as a bit too muddled for my liking, though I’m not sure exactly what the end goal is here.
That would be enough for me. Either way, good luck and keep us posted!
Thanks for the feedback guys. I appreciate any and all. Not really sure what I am going for, but found this recipe either here or Homebrew, which I am also part of. I really liked the Morebeer Citra and saw this one so I thought I would give it a try. A member on the other forum suggested I delete the Honey, Crystal and Melanoid and add a pound of Munich. He also suggested either using Warrior or Magnum at 60 instead of Citra. All good stuff, and I am still looking for suggestions. Will probably place my order for the ingredients during the week and might brew next week, so please keep it coming. RR
Citra is a great hop either alone, or paired with other hop varieties.
I wouldn’t bother using a different hop at bittering. You get very little flavor or aroma contributions from your 60 minute addition, so I wouldn’t expect to see a noticible difference from a different hop variety there. If you want to mix in a different hop variety, I’d do it with one of your late additions or in the dry hops.
Also, I don’t know about all those specialty malts in the grain bill, especially for an IPA. I’d probably get rid of the Honey malt and Melanoiden malt altogether and replace them with base malt.
I would pare down the grain bill to only base malt and crystal, and change the crystal to at least 40 or a c40/c60 mix. Maybe consider bittering with a mix of Citra and Centennial.
Seems like people want you to make a different beer! I wouldn’t suggest changing it as much a some have, but you should ask yourself why the caraplis and melanoidin are there.
LOL. It’s all good Denny, I was asking for suggestions. I only am using the Melaniodin partly because I have it from a recipe I was going to try when I first started and opted not to. Since I am not sure what each item brings to the beer, I am not sure what would happen if I change things around. The recipe writer said it was a hit with him and his friend, so I thought why not. I have dug anything that had Citra in it so far and am trying to keep my hop schedule to one or two so I get a gauge on what they might bring taste wise. So, with that said, I am taking it all in for now and will make a decision sometime during the week and order what I need. I thought I had some BRY97 yeast but damned if I can find it now. LOL
OK, so looking at my supply of grain that was left over from other brews, I have about 8oz of Crystal 20 and about 8oz of crystal 60. If I cut the Carpils and add the two crystals how much would that change the flavor profile? The leftover grains were put in vacuum sealed bags so I think they are still ok. My wife used the Foodsaver. Also, I have hop pellets that were also vacuum packed. I have small amounts of Amarillo, Chinook and Apollo (probably about 1/4 of each). Would any of those be a good addition instead of the Citra at 60?
Yeah, either/both the Chinook & Apollo would make decent bittering hops instead of Citra. Amarillo would be nice in there too but as a late addition &/or dry hop; it plays very nicely with Citra.
Some Honey malts are kind of similar to Melanoidin, and that’s a lot of either/both given how much Crystal & Munich you’re talking about. It would still make a nice beer, but I think you might like it better if you cut way back on the Meln/Honey. (I’m guessing that based on the types of beers you often mention.)
But all the different variations already mentioned should make a nice beer, albeit maybe a bit “richer” than a typical IPA. Did you find your Bry-97? I’ve never used Lutra, but I have a serious distrust of all strains Kveik. Lots of yeasts could work well there, and Bry97 would be a solid option.
Also, with that much Crystal in there, making sure you (a) don’t mash too high, and (b) get close to that 80% attenuation with an appropriately clean-ish yeast – will be important.
While I think you’re fine blending the C60 with C20 (and ditching the CaraPils), I would suggest less than 16oz of C malts. It’s already tending a bit rich/full for an IPA style. I’d personally drink it, but it may not be what you’re looking for, under ‘IPA’ expectations.
I hope it’s a great beer, whatever you end up doing. It’s well within range to make a beer that many people would love.
.5 ounces of Chinook or .5 ounces of Apollo at 60
1 oz of Citra at 15, 10, 5, 0
.5oz Amarillo at 5
2oz of Citra at dry hop after fermentation for 4 or 5 days
Yeast Bry97 (recipe call for Lutra, but as I have read my ferm temps don’t get high enough to justify the extra money, and I have Bry97 on hand)
Cool. Thanks still getting feedback and tweaking it a bit more. will hopefully order what I need during the week for a brew day next weekend with my brother. Rock on!!!
I’d recommend either the honey malt or C20, but not both. Honey malt is basically crystal in about the same color range. Is the AA of the Chinook and Apollo the same?
A while back I read an article that was titled “Brewing on the 2s” or something like that. What I remember was the author suggesting that you use no more than 2 malts and 2 hops. It really got me thinking about ingredients. I used to throw all sorts of stuff in my beers and they always seemed a little lackluster, I think the article referred to it as muddled or “brown”. Since then I’ve simplified my recipes and only added something when I desired a targeted change. I believe my beers now taste better, at least I am enjoying them more since I’ve simplified. So when I see a recipe that has all sorts of stuff, carapils, melanoidin, multiple crystals, and a variety of base malts, I always think what can be eliminated and what really needs to be there to attain the goal.
Good catch Denny. I meant to type that both would be added for bittering. It brought me up to about 55 or so IBU’s Also, the part about the dry hop should be 4 or 5 days after fermentation has finished. My bad, I forgot to update.
Thanks. I am gathering a lot of folks think that way. I am going to check what I have again and see how much of each I have. It will be a gametime decision. LOL. Thanks for the input though, appreciate it. RR