So I went to my LHBS a today and got a grain bill for a Two 1 gallon IPA’s today and a packet of Citra. Never used this hop before and wanna see what I can do with it. So having a bunch of simcoe, centennial, cascade and Willamette on hand I don’t wanna jack the flavors. So here we go.
1st batch
3lbs American 2 Row
.2lbs crystal 40
.18 Victory
.15 Simcoe 60(m)
1 pellet Citra every 5minutes until flame out
1 pellet Cascade every 5 minutes until flame out
US-05 is the yeast I’m using
On the second batch the grains are the same except for the hops
.15 simcoe at 60 min
1 pellet of Citra and Columbus every 5 min until flameout
Wonder how this gonna turn out