Fun with hops

So I went to my LHBS a today and got a grain bill for a Two 1 gallon IPA’s today and a packet of Citra. Never used this hop before and wanna see what I can do with it. So having a bunch of simcoe, centennial, cascade and Willamette on hand I don’t wanna jack the flavors. So here we go.

1st batch
3lbs American 2 Row
.2lbs crystal 40
.18 Victory
.15 Simcoe 60(m)
1 pellet Citra every 5minutes until flame out
1 pellet Cascade every 5 minutes until flame out
US-05 is the yeast I’m using

On the second batch the grains are the same except for the hops

.15 simcoe at 60 min
1 pellet of Citra and Columbus every 5 min until flameout

Wonder how this gonna turn out

Can’t say that I’ve seen this strategy done before. Should be interesting. You don’t plan on getting much else done during these brews, do ya? Lol

Should turn out well. Like the DFH method. I did this once adding a few pellets very 15-30 seconds in a double IPA with great results. Report back on how this turns out.

Nope nothing else going on tonight! Doing them back to back and with the dry yeast there was no prep work.