Allagash White clone

I recently brewed a 1.8 gallon batch of Allagash White and there was no taste of coriander or orange peel.
I used .20 oz of crushed coriander seed and .10 oz of sweet orange peel both whirlpooled at =<190 degrees for 15 minutes.
Any idea how much more of each to get a noticeable taste of each???

I have no direct answer to your question, but recommend that you use tinctures or teas that you add to the finished beer to get your desired level of flavor.  Much more control and pretty easy to do, especially for small batch sizes.

Thanks, that is a great idea and will definitely try that the next time I brew it

I had a similar problem with my allagash White clone. What temperature was your fermentation?  What hops did you use?  Yeast?

I looked up the Allagash White clone in Session Beers which recommends half an ounce of each for a five gallon batch.

Wit recipes usually call for Curaçao orange peel which tastes different from sweet orange peel. While I use sweet orange peel at times in my wits, for a clone I wouldn’t stray from their spice choices.