How much is too Much?

Belgian Blonde Ale recipe

3gal Batch Size

5lbs Pale Malt 2row
3lbs Wheat Malt
8oz Caravienne
8oz Caramel 10
4oz Flacked Wheat

1oz Willamette at 60min

Question being:  I want to add coriander and possibly some orange peel but I must admit I have no idea how much to add.  I want it to be a backround flavor.  Any ideas?

Maybe a crushed tsp or two of the coriander.  A tbs of the bitter orange. Both about 5 minutes from flameout.

Can be subjective though. IMO these flavors should be background and not shouting what they are. More like a hhhmm what is that I’m tasting?

Thats the kind of flavor I am shooting for.  I don’t want it to be obvious I put those two in there but I do want noticable tastes to a well trained palate.

For three gallons, I’d cut euge’s numbers in half, especially since you want it to be a background note.  I might even go lower, since you can add it after the fact but you can’t really take it away.

Tom’s a better judge of it than me. You can always add more but taking away is harder.

For me coriander is easy to pick up in a beer.

What Tom said. For 3 bbls of our Belgian White ale we measure the spices out in GRAMS. You want just a subtle note of spice to accent the spiciness of the yeast. If you can pick out coriander and orange peel you have used too much. It’s easier to go light and add a little in post fermentation than to over do it and have to brew another batch and blend 'em.