Hello! i will do an APA next month and i would like to use the amarillo and simcoe hops. I damn crazy for the floral aroma that amarillo has and i think it could work great with the pine aroma of simcoe…do you guys think cascade will complement that combo or that is just to much hops for a 40 IBU APA, 1060 OG?
Do you have any suggestions for the hop bill? i mean how many ibus for bittering, for flavor and for aroma you could use? or do you think using all the 40 IBUS on late hopping addtion could better or may impart a grassy flavor?
Amarillo + Simcoe is possibly the perfect base for any hop-forward American style. I usually use 3-4 hops in my APA’s, and unless I’m going for something specific, it’s generally from these hops:
Ultra (noble-style hops add a nice complexity in combo with “C” hops, IMO)
Cascade would work perfectly fine here as well. For my APA’s I do 1/3 of my IBU’s as FWH, 1/3 at 60 min, and 1/3 from 20 minutes or less additions (usually hopbursted). Sometimes I will skip the 60 minute addition and split the IBU’s between FWH and late hops. I use about 1/2 ounce of each at flameout and 1/2-1 ounce of each as dry hops.
I like your list, I include Sorachi Ace in my stable of C hops for blending. Haven’t tried Ultra or any floral/spicy hop in my blends, will have to give that a shot.
I think Amarillo would provide enough bright citrus to balance the dankness of simcoe, I might use those at 2:1 Amarillo:Simcoe.
I don’t think you can go wrong with the amarillo-simcoe combo as those are two of my favs. I am sort of frugal, so I usually use a cheaper bittering hop in my pales and IPAs. If I want something pungent I will go for Columbus, something cleaner I will use Magnum. Much are both cheaper than Amarillo or Simcoe…