Simcoe And Amarillo in a Pale Ale?

Has anyone tried combining Simcoe and Amarillo together in a pale ale?  I was thinking of make one, using simcoe for bittering, then simultaneous additions at 20 min, 5 min, and flameout.  I had to scale down the simcoe to try to keep the IBUs in range for pale ale.  Right now I’ve got 45 IBUs calculated.  Here’s what I was going to try:

9.5 lbs 2-Row
.75 lbs Crystal 40L
.5 oz simcoe 60 min
.5 oz amarillo and .25 oz simcoe at 20 min
.5 oz amarillo and .25 oz simcoe at 5 min
1 oz of each at flameout

If anyone has tried this combination and has suggestions or advice, I’d appreciate it.

Excellent, I love this hop combo.  I call it Simarillo.

Looks really good to me.

You skip the 60 minute and just use more late to pick up the IBU
this way you could scale up the Simcoe :wink:
And start at 15.

Either way, the Simarillo rocks.  Have fun.

Although I haven’t tried that exact combo, I don’t see why not. The Simcoe will give a smooth, clean bitterness & the Amarillo will give it the fruity, citrus (pommelo, tangelo) character we’ve all come to crave & love.  :wink:

That combo (with an Amarillo dryhop) is my favorite APA recipe so far. In fact, I’m brewing it tomorrow or Monday. Recipe here:

I have 12 gallons in primary right now. Simcoe @ 60 then Amarillo the rest of the way. I have made it before, it turns out fantastic.  If it were up to me, I would skip the flameout, and dryhop instead. Any way you go, it is a great combo imho. Good luck!!

thats what I do in my house pale ale recipe.

50/50 the whole way.


Thanks for the feedback!  Sounds like I have some experimenting to do!

Frankly you’d be stupid not to do it…

I love this combo as well, just make sure you like grapefruit!

I love this combo for APA.  I make one very similar to yours but with all flavor aroma additions split 50/50 and dry hop 50/50.  This weekend was my first time using simcoe to bitter this, as I usually use chinook, but the difference will be marginal.

I also love this combo.  I will also do a Centennial or Summit & Simcoe in a similar way if I don’t have any Amarillo.  Simcoe adds a nice little twist to the classic american citrusy hop flavor.

I have some extra Columbus lying around.  Would it work to use that as the bittering hop and put all the Simcoe/Amarillo as finishing hops?

Boy, would it ever!


Boy, you guys are making this difficult! ;D

An awesome combination!  I have been very pleased with beeres using this combination of hops, yum. ;D ;D

That combo also plays really nicely with Centennial.