Amarillo vs. Sorachi Ace

Brewed the 1/2 Ale Recipe from the Session beers book last weekend.  The dry hop for the recipe calls for Amarillo, but had mistakenly put Sorachi Ace in my recipe.  The beer is basically a low alcohol Saison.  I realize it will be a different beer using Sorachi Ace instead of Amarillo, but how do you think it will turn out?  Tempted to pick up some more Amarillo tomorrow and do five gallons of each hop.  Thoughts?

It will still be delicious.

Soriachi is a bit lemony.  I think it tastes great. 
Also, you probably aren’t using IPA level hopping  schedule in a Saison, so while it will be different, it won’t make THAT much of a difference overall.

Side by side batches are always a good idea, IMO.


Just went through my freezer and I realized I still have a fair amount of Citra.  I think I’ll go with 5 gallons with Sorachi Ace and 5 gallons with Citra.


I use sweet orange peel in my saison to give it a bit of a fruity note.  Using Soriachi Ace will give the beer a lemony note which I feel will be a nice enhancement.

Be careful with Citra.  I love the hop variety but it can get a bit overpowering with notes of mango and passion fruit rather quickly if you use too much.