I got around to trying these in an IPA. Kinda went crazy with hops on this one. Bittered with Chinook. 150g each of CTZ Amarillo and Sorachi Ace whirlpool 170 for 15. Then another 150g each for dry hop.
It’s an IPA! And all I get is Sorachi Ace… after one pint, the whole world tastes and smells like Sorachi Ace for about an hour.
Final analysis: don’t worry about Sorachi Ace shining through in a blend unless the other hops out weigh it by like 5 to 1. And, by the way, not bad if you really like Sorachi Ace. If you don’t like them, it will probably kill you.
I like it. I made a Sorachi Ace IPA last year. Very tasty. Unfortunately it scored poorly in competition compared to my Columbus IPA. Sorachi is a very love/hate hop, and super powerful. Yes. Use it sparingly if you don’t want to offend the easily offended.
Yep, we all have different tastes. While Sorachi Ace isn’t my favorite hop (it has its place), they are still about a thousand times better than CTZ for my taste buds. Not a fan of the dank.
My favorite IPAs are a mix of Chinooks, Centennials, Amarillos, and Cascades. Sometimes a little Warrior for the bittering. I could see tossing some Sorachi Ace into that mix.
what is it about this hop that people don’t like? I feel like the descriptor of it is pretty dead on, really intense and crisp lemon and dill. Why you would use it if you don’t like those flavors is beyond me.
Sorachi to me smells almost fetid right out of the bag. I find the aroma very disagreeable. Like Citra though it can blend nicely with other hops as long as it is not the showcase hop.
The fun part of it for me was when we made a Sorachi beer last year for the tasting room and hearing people say they could taste the Srisacha. ;D :o
My first use of S.A. was light handed in a pilsner-ish summer beer. Then heavy handed in this IPA. What I think is it reminds me of perfume. A little is intriguing. A little more ain’t bad. But at some point, like standing in an elevator with a group of Mary Kay dealers, egads! At levels where your taste buds are coated, sinuses plugged with it, so strong it seems like you can hear it… that I’m not a fan of.
Yes! Thank you that is the aroma I find from it. There is a perfume I got from my wife that smells terrible to me, almost fetid. She can’t smell it but I told her she had to stop wearing it because it smelled terrible to me.