Hello all,
I am currently finishing a Star Anise Stout in primary and I would like to punch up the anise flavor and aroma and I think that an anise extract could do the trick. I little background I added 2 oz of whole star anise to the boil and the beer current has a nice anise background but I think it could use a bit more. I was going to make a simple extract of whole star anise and vodka or grain alcohol and add a few ounces at kegging. So here are my questions
1.) My recipe for the anise extract is to fill a mason jar approx. 1/2 way with whole star anise and then filled with vodka or grain alcohol allow the mixture to sit for about a week and then use. Is this a sound recipe or is there a better one you can suggest?
2.) I do not want the anise flavor to over power the stout but I want people to know they are drinking a beer with star anise, do you think 4 oz of extract at kegging would do the trick or should I adjust the measurement up or down?
3.) Will an extract made from alcohol impart a hash “alcohol” flavor to the stout, it’s a foreign extra stout so it is a bit high on the ABV but I do not want the beer to become too harsh.
4.) Is this nothing more then the fevered dream of a mad man, should be happy with the background flavors I currently have, keg and carb in a week and see how it comes out?
Thanks for your input I look forward to you responses.