Another Hop Shot Post - Flavor addition??

I just ordered some Apollo hop shots from Yakima Valley for bittering - anyone ever try to use one as a late addition?

Yep, I’ve done this.  It works quite well.

I’ve used the generic Hop Shots before for late and dry hops and was less than impressed. It seemed pretty generic/bland/flat. But I’d definitely give it a try if it was a single varietal.

How much did you add?

I used the equivalent of 2.5 oz (however much that is) at flameout.  It works.  It is sticky though.

I know someone who used single variety hop shots for flavoring an imperial IPA and won 2nd BOS at a competition.

Hmm, I guess I could work out the equivalent by figuring out how much Apollo pellets it would take to get the same IBU’s I was looking for.

formula is on the hopunion website.  easy stuff.  1mL= 2AAU i think (?).

I just checked the web site and the hop shot is just a generic hop liquid. Where on the site did you find apollo hop shots?

I was wondering the same thing. I’d really love a way to cut down on the hop matter in my kettle on my IPAs.

Same here. A little less hop matter would be nice on IPA.

Bertus Brewery blog has a post on buying extract in bulk and filling syringes with them - cheap and easy way - I believe $25 for 130ml of hop extract and then the syringes are cheap.  Just FYI.

I asked Yakima Valley, they said theres were Apollo. By the way, how do you guys store it, refrigerator?

good to know - that’s probably where i will buy some.

yes - refrigerator is what I’ve seen recommended - it will last for ‘years’ apparently.

Yes, my HopShots have kept just fine for many years in the refrigerator.  Still effective as the day they were born (well, for all practical purposes anyway).