Hopshot IBU Calculator - For Late Kettle Additions

Hi - there is not a lot of information about hop extract utilization.  The best information I’ve found is that 1ml of hopshot will provide ~10 IBU in 5 gallons of 1.050 gravity wort for a 60 minute boil.  There is also this nice chart from Northern Brewer that adjusts for different gravities:

Does anyone know of a way to calculate the IBU for a 15 minute, 5-minute, or even a flame-out addition?


Most I have used are around 61% aa. 1ml is a bit more than a gram, maybe 1.2. Just do the math from there.

Unless you are using the “variety specific” extracts, I wouldn’t add it later than 30 minutes.

I’m not sure I’m following the approach on the calculations.  Can you explain a little more?  Thanks

As for the “variety specific” I totally get it.  Most of the stuff available to homebrewers is just hopshot and sometimes you get the variety but it’s whatever high AA hop they use.  I know YCH does the variety specific stuff with their resinate products.  Does anyone know where homebrewers can get their hands on this stuff?

If you are using software, enter it as 1.2g/1ml at 61%

I haven’t used them yet, but here is where I got my varietal hop extracts:


Are these the ones you use for late or keg hopping, I assume?

Thanks.  I got it now.  I didn’t see the hopshot in Beersmith when I first saw it.  Now I’ve got it.

Do you know who is the manufacturer of these IBU injectors?

He just added it in the 2.3 release. I had to use grams in the previous release.

BSG is the supplier for these FarmHouse IBU Injectors…

Right. I’ve tried late hopping with the generic hop shot and got no significant hop flavor or aroma from it.

Cool. I’ll be picking up a few varietals to test out. Thanks, Eric!

With my process and methods, I do get a noticeable aroma from the hop extract even when added at 60 minutes.
Just another data point.

Good aromas, though? These are the ones you use?

I use a generic bittering one for most of my beers. My best descriptor is tastes like hops 8). No I don’t know I add at 60 and there is a hint of floral character for me, its actually really nice and subtle, its great in styles that only call for a 60 minute bittering addition.

That’s good to know. I was going to use 5ml hop shots for some hoppy pilsners I have planned. Glad to hear they aren’t to rough.

I agree. Sounds like we’re talking about two sides of the same coin. I was specifically testing it as a late and dry hop addition. The non-varietal stuff just tastes like generic “hops”. It doesn’t add anything worthwhile when used later than a 60-minute addition in something like an APA or IPA, IMO.

I should’ve worded the question better. I don’t care for hop shot used after 60 mins (been there, done that). I was wondering if Bryan uses/has used the new varietal stuff late, and his impressions.

Ahh.  I use “hop shot” (oh boy do I have a story about that!) at 60, then real hops for finishing/whirlpool. Then a custom liquid dryhop for dry hopping.