Hi - there is not a lot of information about hop extract utilization. The best information I’ve found is that 1ml of hopshot will provide ~10 IBU in 5 gallons of 1.050 gravity wort for a 60 minute boil. There is also this nice chart from Northern Brewer that adjusts for different gravities:
Does anyone know of a way to calculate the IBU for a 15 minute, 5-minute, or even a flame-out addition?
I’m not sure I’m following the approach on the calculations. Can you explain a little more? Thanks
As for the “variety specific” I totally get it. Most of the stuff available to homebrewers is just hopshot and sometimes you get the variety but it’s whatever high AA hop they use. I know YCH does the variety specific stuff with their resinate products. Does anyone know where homebrewers can get their hands on this stuff?
I use a generic bittering one for most of my beers. My best descriptor is tastes like hops 8). No I don’t know I add at 60 and there is a hint of floral character for me, its actually really nice and subtle, its great in styles that only call for a 60 minute bittering addition.
I agree. Sounds like we’re talking about two sides of the same coin. I was specifically testing it as a late and dry hop addition. The non-varietal stuff just tastes like generic “hops”. It doesn’t add anything worthwhile when used later than a 60-minute addition in something like an APA or IPA, IMO.
I should’ve worded the question better. I don’t care for hop shot used after 60 mins (been there, done that). I was wondering if Bryan uses/has used the new varietal stuff late, and his impressions.
Ahh. I use “hop shot” (oh boy do I have a story about that!) at 60, then real hops for finishing/whirlpool. Then a custom liquid dryhop for dry hopping.