I have been monitoring fermentation via a TILT data stream without physically opening the fermentation fridge for quite a few batches now. After all, I know what bubbles in a blowoff jar look like. …but for some reason yesterday I decided to take a look. I was surprised to see my blow off tube had clogged with yeast and the blowoff was escaping from around the lid seal of the BrewBucket. The lid was bowing up slightly and when I removed the blowoff tube from the lid to clean it there was sudden rush of built up pressure. I think I am going to go back to the practice of keeping an eye on things.
Sounds like a plan. While the TILT does a good job of tracking fermentation it isn’t very good at spotting problems
Yikes! Good catch!
Out of curiosity, what yeast/temp did you use?
I take a simple pleasure in seeing that airlock bubble and checking all the temp read-outs. Sometimes you find an issue that needs immediate attention, usually you don’t. Saved me a potential burst keg when I noticed the temp pickup fell out of my chest freezer and the keg which was lagering was almost solid.
My old stand by: Bry-97 @ 65*F. Nothing crazy.