Any Lord of the Rings fans here?

How is that new Hobbit movie?

I thoroughly enjoyed it and so did my wife and son. If you liked the LOTR trilogy movies you’ll like this too.

There are 2 more movies in the works, the 2nd part of the hobbit and the 3rd part which is meant to bridge the gap from the end of the hobbit to the beginning of the LOTR so you can watch them as a single 6-part movie once they are done. The 3rd movie will be based on notes and info from the appendices of the LOTR.

Cool. I will buy it tomorrow. It will be a good weekend to be snowed in with that, my new Bonamassa blu ray, and a basement full of beer.

Some dumb parts (radaghast) but worth a watch I guess … Assuming you have enough beer.

I really liked it a lot.  Then again, I’m a big fan of the books and movies.  My wife really liked it too…then again, she doesn’t like any of the Star Wars movies.

I have enough…

It’s on demand for $5.99 for 2 days and the weekend beckons!

In case you’re not aware - Be warned, it’s a trilogy.  Word on the street is they pulled a lot of material from Tolkien’s other writings to do that. I liked it.

Aware. Waiting to be entertained… 8)

I was aware it was a trilogy. I loved the books and the LOR series did a really good job of keeping true to them. The characters even looked like what I imagined they would as I read.

Yeah that was what astounded me. I’m thinking the Hobbit will meet expectations.

Damn if it wasn’t near bedtime I’d start it now…

Huge fan of the books. Medium fan of the movies.

Peter Jackson is too in love with his own work.

It’s my favourite book but the movie had too many parts I don’t remember reading. It was fine but it wasn’t “The Hobbit”.

I am a fan.

Loved the movie; it was my first 3D experience :o  so that may have had something to do with it.

I actually wanted to see it again.

I went out and bought the movie today. I keep my movies in an album. So when I buy the blu ray/DVD combo I take the DVD to work and sell it for $7 as new release brand new in the jacket. This way it doesn’t cost much more to buy it than to go to the theater and watch it.

I love watching movies at home. I have a nice toaster oven in my theater for heating snacks, I can drink beer while watching the movie, there are no annoying people making distracting sounds, and I can pause the movie when I need to go to the bathroom. The downside is when I get out of the bathroom and head back to my seat I often find this…

We watched it last night.  I’m trying hard not to get hung up on differences between the books and the movies.  Their were parts in the movie that were not in the book but they were more like back story for people who haven’t read all of Tolkien’s works.

Over all it was a good flick.  Looking forward to #2.  Thanks Tony for explainng what #3 is supposed to be.  I was wondering where Jackson was going to find 5 more hours of story.  8^)


Watched it yesterday and enjoyed the flick. I’d be quite confused if not aware of the editorial splicing to pad out the storyline. For instance, I don’t remember them meeting the brown wizard. Or the side story of the vendetta between Thrain and the orc  leader.

Yeah, Radragast was an off-hand mention in the book that they expanded into a tie in for the Lord of The Rings Series.  Trying to show the expanding dark powers and all so that it ties in to the overall theme.  They mention “The Necromancer” in the book once which I’ve always assumed is a reference to Sauron but they’ve really expanded it. Plus I didn’t think he needed that much bird sh!t in his hair.

I didn’t mind the embellishments on the story in the movies but between Rhadaghast being a dope smoking idiot with bird crap caked on his head and Gimily shown as a belching drunken foolish comedy side kick I just couldn’t forgive that. But I enjoyed all of them thus far anyway (with Two Towers being my least favorite) and glad I read the book first.

Thought you NERDS might enjoy this: Lack of Tom Bombadil in The Hobbit Movie Really Pissing Off Tom Bombadil

My wife and I watched it this weekend. I’m a huge fan of the trilogy books and movies but never read the hobbit so I can’t comment on the relationship between the book and the movie. As far as the movie goes, I thought it was worth a rent. I wasn’t so keen on the fighting mountains but liked the movie overall. Kinda neat to see Saruman talking with Gandlalf, Galadriel, and Elrond telling him that Sauron has been defeated and cannot come back. Little foreshadowing there.