Who loves the book series Hunger Games, and he squeeled like a school girl when I, I mean he, saw the. Movie trailer, and I already bought tickets for 12:01 am opening morning. Would you still be friends with me? I mean, him. I’m not sure how to fell about him.
Mrs. Gmac’s been harping on me to read those. Apparently, we have a “date” with another couple for the release night. Tickets bought etc. She’s making me read them before I can go.
So, I guess I would have to still be friends with your “friend”.
My wife and I really loved the books, but I don’t do movies so I may never see it. The last movie I watched in a theater was the last of the Lord of The Rings trilogies. Maybe I could make an exception for the Hunger Games
Well, I feel a a little better knowing “my friend” isn’t the only one into a youth book. Guess I’ll still hang with him. And read the books if you haven’t. I hear they are awesome! ;D
My wife just finished the first book and want sme to read it too.
At least Jennifer Lawrence is hot, so you should be able to forgive your “friend”.
My wife teaches literature to the age group these novels are aimed at. I also have a lit degree. She nagged me relentlessly to read these, so I did. No disappointment. The books are worth it, I will see the movies because of that.
I’ve seen posters for the movie. What is the book?
Weaze - I’ll always be a friend to the friend of a friend with well-established, and perhaps a little unsettling, “issues” concerning bacon, pants, ren-fair costumes and turtles. I guess it’s just sort of a “birds of a feather…” thing.
You might find some more good reading here: http://www.seussville.com/ I’ve seen the trailer for a movie being released soon that’s based on one of these books, too.
Damn now you got me interested in kids’ books!
Reminds me of Battle Royale which was pretty awesome and riveting.
I’ll download the Hunger games trilogy since it appears to be a hit! And I love me some post apocalyptic adventure…
Funny you mention that. I actually just began collecting Seuss books. (No, really)
Then be sure and read One Second After. (you can find this one in the adult section ;D )
i read so damn slowly the books will be done when the movie is on net flix
My daughter is in 5th grade, aged 10, turning 11 in a few months. She is an advanced reader - probably on a 10th grade reading level. She loves to read and has asked to read these books. I noted the movie was rated pg-13 and I would not object to her watching it based on that, but I am curious from people who have read the books (or at least the first book), would it be age appropriate to let an 11 year old read them? Other potential useful information, her reading comprehension skills are excellent, she is a little used to bad words so no concern there. I would like to avoid any sex scenes in the book. As for the violence… and I am sure there is plenty based on the premise… I am a bit unsure of how bad it actually is. I would take any advice or thoughts given by people who have read them.
Hey Loopy, you know what an a$$hat I am, so this should mean a lot coming from me…if I had a 11 year old, no way would I let him or her read the book, or see the movie. Some parts, I think, are just too intense for a child. I’m actually surprised its considered a young adult book. My 14 year old neice is bugging me to borrow mine, and I’m even having reservations about that.
I will not judge my friend, I will not judge my friend…
Dude, as long as it is not illegal porn I got your back!
I could care less to what you like, I’m glad you have found something you enjoy. I’m happy for you!
We may need to have a talk, then. I’ll text you later. :-\
My son wanted to read these and he too is advanced in reading. After speaking with several people he read them when he was 9-10 and loved them, read all three in a span of 2 1/2 weeks! Then I read them and loved them. While there is violence it’s not over the top and it is a book so it’s up to the kid to visualize what they are reading, I’d say go for it!
I am always a little astonished by this attitude. Perhaps you can explain your thought process to me. You are more willing to allow your 11 year old to read about violence than sex. why?
I am not trying to be judgemental in any way. I am just curious.
[quote=morticaixavier]I am always a little astonished by this attitude. Perhaps you can explain your thought process to me. You are more willing to allow your 11 year old to read about violence than sex. why?
I do get where your coming from on this. sex is a natural act that all mammals do, violence is a destructive act that shows complete lack of self control and in general is harmful to everyone involved.
However, violence is part of our culture. She has been exposed to violence on tv, it’s not a new thing to her. We have talked about violence and appropriate behavior and she understands that movie violence is just movie bullshit. She has no exposure to sex or seeing it graphically. She is 10, and it’s not something I want her to be exposed to other than a biology or anatomy scientific approach.
There is nothing wrong with sex, we have had discussions (mostly her moms job), and I have always been honest answering her questions but never particularly descriptive with her. I want to avoid her reading graphic sex scenes because I don’t want her getting the wrong ideas about sex in general.
I shudder to think of her reading some books I have read that are not dirty, but have graphic highly descriptive descriptions of sex… especially when they are in rather non-healthy relationships … even old Koontz and Palinuick are like that.
[quote=duboman]My son wanted to read these and he too is advanced in reading. After speaking with several people he read them when he was 9-10 and loved them, read all three in a span of 2 1/2 weeks! Then I read them and loved them. While there is violence it’s not over the top and it is a book so it’s up to the kid to visualize what they are reading, I’d say go for it!
looks like I just need to read them myself and make a decision.
Take the same approach about sex and she’ll be fine.