Anyone brewed with powdered peanut butter (PB2) before?

Hello everyone I’m new here. Yesterday I made my first peanut butter chocolate stout and I used pb2. I added the pb2 at flame out. My recipe called for 8oz but since I added a little more lactose I decided to add more pb2. I added my pb2 at flame out but since my wort chiller was there (for sanitizing) and I made a full boil it was a little difficult to stir. I did my best but eventually it all ended going to the bottom of the pot. I suppose it wasn’t going to fully dissolve.

Did I do something wrong? Any thoughts? Experiences? Should I add more in secondary?

Btw I am still to add the nibs on secondary.


Peanut butter/ chocolate stout ??! That’s genius ! I’m definitely watching this one, sorry I can’t help you though

Haha! Thanks although no genius here. I’ve see some good and not so good commercial examples. I just decided that I wanted to try new stuff.

I can give you the recipe if you are interested.

But I wonder, even if everything is on the bottom of the carboy, would it be enough to flavor the beer?

Quite a few threads on HBT covering PB2. Never used it myself.

I’ve used it in this kit before the beer itself was great. I put it on tap with nitro, a slight roasted peanut aroma not a huge smell though. I did add it to a nylon bag so i wonder if it clumped up and formed a ball because of the bag. I’d try it again just adding it in to the carboy.

Drew writes about it at . We also cover it in the book.

It’s basically ground up peanuts with the fat removed, so I don’t think it will ever dissolve. It probably just infuses flavor into the beer.

There are a few recipes in a zymurgy issue not to far back.

Post your recipe please!  I’d like to try it.

1# caramel crystal
1# flaked oats
8 oz chocolate malt
4 oz black patent
3 oz kent golddings
6 # light dme
1.5 # lactose
9 oz pb2
5 oz cacao nibs in secondary

I used white labs Irish ale yeast, Irish moss, yeast nutrient etc.

It makes sense so we will see.

Thanks for posting the recipe !


I added the cacao nibs (5oz) for 5 gal and coarsely grounded coffee beans (2oz). The cacao will be there for 7 days and the coffee for 2 days.

Before I added the coffee I took a sample. The body is getting there and the aroma and taste of chocolate and peanut butter is nicely present.

Might turn out decent.

If you have a heat-safe blender, pull a quart or two of wort from the boil into the carafe, puree, then add back.

I’ve never used PB2, but this is how I go about adding raisins/dates to the boil.

You could also use an immersion blender, just use a high-sided pot and be extra careful not to splash.

This is key

Just out of curiosity, were you always planning on adding some coffee?  Or did you feel the beer needed it?

^ my rationale was: “I’ve added peanut butter and chocolate already and if I add coffee I could call it peanut butter chocolate mocha stout and get my wife to drink some”

Good call.  I’ve tried many different beers on the wife, she likes none of them. Oh well, more for me.

I brewed a 3 gal batch of Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter.
It required 1.2 oz. cacoa nibs and 1.2 lbs of PB2.
The PB2 was about $18. The PB2 was added at end of boil.
It never really dissolved, and quickly dropped to the bottom of my glass fermenter.
I let the beer sit on it for 2 weeks. I remember it was a mess to clean.
Now 7 months old. I can say it’s decent, with a unique taste.
There is PB aroma to the nose, but not a strong PB Chocolate taste.
Don’t tell friends its Peanut Butter Cup beer and see if they can guess the flavor.
Definitely a unique novelty, one is enough type of beer.
Personally, I’m glad I brewed the batch, but once is enough.