So I plan on brewing a Chocolate porter and then splitting it in two carboys after primary fermentation is complete to experiment with secondary additions. In one of them I want to add a peanut butter profile. I have heard good things about PB2 but I haven’t been able to find consistent feedback on how to use it in the secondary. My main concerns are:
Should I even attempt to add it in the secondary?
Do I need to sanitize it some way before adding it? i.e. mixing with vodka?
How much should I use? After I split the batch it will be two 2.5 gallon batches.
My brew partner and I have use pb2 in both the brew kettle and secondary. For the secondary we save some of the original wort. Then we mixed the pb2 up with this and pasterized on the stove cool then add to secondary. Worked well for us. Good luck.
not sure if have already brewed. i have used pb2 twice (oatmeal peanut butter chocolate stout)
the first beer i used it both in the boil and secondary. in that beer i just dumped the jar in the secondary (along with cacao nibs 1jar/6gals). i noticed no off flavors. however, nearly every bottle was way overcarbed. the second beer i just made about 2 months ago. in the recent batch i just add the PB2 to the boil, non of the beer were overcarbed. Both beers tasted fine.