Anyone have some 3726 I can have?

Hit 100F here in Ohio a few times already and got me fired up for saison and this is the ONLY strain I will use.  I wonder if someone has some banked/harvested they would share?  Many thanks in advance!

“Interesting trades considered”  ;D

I wish I had some myself. I emailed Wyeast a week or so ago, to put in a vote for 3726 as a year round (along with 2487). I don’t get it - as popular as saisons are with homebrewers now you’d think it would be a no brainer to have a better variety in strains. And truthfully, 3711 is IMO ‘pretty good’ and easy to use, 3724 is great but finicky. 3726 is great AND easy to use.

All year would be cool but would be happy if they just released it earlier.  I do have 50ml of it way back in the fridge but it is from 2014.  Didn’t use it last year.  Only strain I try to keep.  Think it is even worth trying to step up?  I figure it’s 50:50…

I wouldn’t use it, personally. No point in ruining your hard work.

I hear ya but a small step isn’t all that much work.  Not sure if it would really give me a sign that is good or not.  I could wait if it is a July release but I remember a few times it was October and I was not happy.  I just asked over there and hopefully it is just around the corner.

3726 is not happening this year per Wyeast.  :‘( :’( :‘( :’( :cry:

I will try a 250ml step and see if it gives me any sign of life.

I’m sure they would love to offer more year round, but they need to draw the line somewhere. My LHBS always have packs of past date random strains that nobody bought. I’m sure part of the fault is with the LHBS, what sells just sells and what doesn’t sits.

One lhbs employee was telling me that often times they order less popular strains to make minimums, bundled shopping or hit price tiers. Not sure how true that is, just what one guy told me.

I get all that. I just hate to see arguably better strains sit on the shelf. I’m confident it would do really well, especially with brewers who don’t want to tackle 3724 but want to try something other than 3711. Oh well, all good.

Surprisingly, I have yet to try 3726. What does it bring to the table differently from 3724?

It’s dry and peppery, slightly fruity (at the temps I’ve used), with subtle tartness. And it’s as easy to use as 3711 but more complex IMO. Makes a great beer.

What temps do you run it at?

First time I held at 66F-ish for a couple days then ramped slowly up to upper 70s/80. The other time I held around 73-ish the whole time. Both times got down to ~ 1.003 FG with nice mouthfeel. I really liked both beers.

Perfect description and couldn’t agree more Jon.  In fact, that description makes me thirsty!!!

I am getting a little excited…  Is WL566 a good sub?  Preliminary searches seem to indicate but there is a mention of clove?  Maybe a non issue since I ramp to about 80.

That’s the one I haven’t used. I’d be curious to know. Yeah, all the talk makes we want to brew a saison, too!

Actually, scratch the 566.  Supposedly a less finicky DuPont isolate.  I think it might be WL585.  A guy over HBT did side by side 3726 and 585 and said exact!  Looks like White Labs seasonal for July.  I could wait that long.

Cool, thanks for the info. I’ll be getting some.

MoreBeer lists Imperial Rustic as equivalent to 3726. Never used it, so I can’t vouch for it.

My LHBS carries Imperial now. That’s maybe a better option since I can get it locally. Thanks for the info.

Thanks Stevie!  LHBS said the WL release release is typically END of July so that’s a little longer to wait.  I’ll be the guinea pig.  Just ordered Rustic.  Never even heard of them or this yeast.  EXCITED!