Apricot Flavored Syrup

I’ve been working on brewing an Apricot Wheat along the lines of a Pyramid or the one from Ottos is State College, PA.  I’ve tried with pureed frozen apricots and the alcohol based flavoring that comes in the small 4 oz. bottles.  Both of these have come out fine but not exactly what I’m looking for.  I was told on a tour of Ottos that they use an apricot flavored syrup that they add to secondary(rumor is Pyramid does the same) but they wouldn’t go into much more detail.  I’ve done some googling looking for something like a flavored high fructose corn syrup but have come up short.  Does anyone have an idea on what type of syrup they may be using and where to buy it?

What they use most likely isn’t “syrup” but rather concentrated apricot juice such as this -


I have no idea where you could buy small quantities though.

quick google search returns…

not sure it’s exactly what you want but it’s worth a try

That was the closest thing I saw when I looked, pancake syrup basically.  I’ll probably try something like this for my next batch and see how it turns out.  The real nice thing about the alcohol based one is that you can a little to the keg and increase it until you get your desired taste.  I guess I was hoping that someone had already tried the syrup and had some feedback.

I used a date syrup which is similar. Dates are the first ingredient, but there is also added sugar. I would have preferred something only made with dates, but couldn’t find it. The date flavor was still prominent though and came through in the beer. I’d use it again.  — So I guess it depends on how much sugar they’ve added to that apricot, but it will probably work pretty well.  Might get expensive too, I’d guess you’d need two or three bottles for 5 gal.

A big advantage of the syrups is they are basically packaged sterile and you don’t have to worry about fruit bits.

What about something like http://www.naturesflavors.com/index.php/catalogsearch/result/?q=apricot ?

I’d expect that to be similar to the small apricot flavoring bottles.

I found this at Walmart of all places, an all natural apricot preserve.  It lists the ingredients as: Apricots, Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Apricot Puree Concentrate, Sugar, Pectin, Citric Acid.  Does anyone see a reason I couldn’t try adding this to secondary?


i recently did a saison with natures promise organic raspberry syrup and a hefe with strawberry organic syrup… both turned out VERY sweet, i do not recommend using syrups. i suspect theres some sort of unfermentable sugar in them

Not sure I would call this “all natural”?!? I would think pectin would not be a good addition, not to mention HFCS and regular corn syrup.
I like the Oregon purees. They’re more concentrated than just using fruit. I find you need to use a boatload of real fruit to come across in the aroma. Adding puree at 3-4 days into primary seems to work good for me. I like a good apricot wheat.

Do. It. Anyway.

WTF do you have to lose?


I would not put jam in my beer.  But feel free :slight_smile:

I’d mix some into a glass of beer first to see if I like it.  It won’t be as sweet after fermenting, but it should give you an idea.

I did a batch with Vintners Apricot Puree, a single 49 oz. can for a 5 gallon batch added to secondary.  The beer is great but just not what I’m trying reproduce.  The apricot flavor is much more subtle and not as pronounced as what I’m looking for.  I’ve been looking for frozen apricots in the store with no luck, I may try to use canned apricots and see how that works out.  I may have to hijack a delivery truck to Otto’s to get a supply of what ever they are using.

I’d use this stuff from Olive Nation, it’s of much better quality than the stuff you get from your LHBS and doesn’t taste nearly as artificial:


Titrate up from a small sample to your gallon size based on taste.  Maybe even dial it back 10% just to be on the safe side.  You can always add more, but you can’t subtract.

The other option is to add your fresh/frozen fruit to either the boil kettle or the secondary (2lbs/gallon of beer).  I wouldn’t be concerned about pectic haze if you are making a wheat beer. Then adjust with the extract afterwards to get the beer the flavor and aroma profile you are looking for.

Does the puree taste good? It’s probably a matter of quantity - 49 oz is 3 lbs. That is not much fruit for a 5gallon batch. I would try with two or three cans to get noticable apricot flavor.