At Bend Beer Fest

Looks like fun!

It was great. Only disappointing part was no Logsdon Farmhouse and no corndogs. Both were no shows. But I had several really taste beers. The memorable ones were an apricot Berliner by Two Kilts and a passion fruit sour by Breakside

I’d be there if I wasn’t heading for the coast today.

It was cool, Denny. But you didn’t miss out on the event of a life time. A really nice day at the coast would easily top it. Yes, lots of beer. But not a bargain. The little mugs look like about 8 oz, and it was $4 for a full pour. Not a ripoff but not a bargain either. It was our first time, so didn’t know what to expect. There was about 40 or 50 breweries, with a couple beers each. I had about 6 or 8 full pours of stuff I had never tried before, each interesting and well made. Nothing earth shattering.  The disappointment was tyat it was set up kinda carnival style. I dont think any brewers were there, that I could see. 90% of the servers were volunteers who knew nothing about the beer. It was packed but the lines moved quick. We took off as the evening rowdy kids were showing up. The line to get in as we were leaving was about 4 wide and 100 yards long. If we go back next year we will be sure to hit it about noon and roll out about 6.

Edit - looks like the mug holds 12 oz, so better deal than I thought.

And bring your own corn dogs of course!  8)

They had a food vendor listed who did hand dipped awesome looking corndogs and the wife was talking about them for a month… not a trip ruiner, we made fun of it.  But it would have been nice if they weren’t a no show. I’m guessing that Logsdon was a no show because it was kegs only. Could also have been because the event would have lost money on their booth. I assume the event bought kegs…