Baltic Porter - did I just find Nirvana

Made my first.  Ummmmmmhhhh.  That’s good.  I don’t think I have ever made a beer I like as much as this one.  Only 3 and a half months old and I don’t know if it will last to 4.  Thanks, Jamil and John for the right info in the BCS! Gotta keep my brew buddies out of this one.

Please post your recipe!

Pretty much right from BCS with some twist (10 gallons):

Munich          10 lbs.
Pilsner          14 lbs.
Crystal 60        1 lbs.
Chocolate        8 ozs.
Black Prinz      12 ozs.
Acidulated Malt  1 lb.
Melanoiden        12 ozs.

Blackprinz and Chocolate were added at end of the mash just before first batch sparge.

Tettnanger 11% AA (60) 1 ozs.
Hallertauer  4.9% AA (0) 3 ozs.

2206 slurry from prior lager batch
Whirlfloc and yeast nutrient (at 10)

30 days  at 48F, racked to kegs and 60 days at 32F

Whoa that’s a lot of acid malt…

I’ve never brewed this style.  Maybe it is time.  I’m assuming Best Pils, doubt it matters that much though.

Not really 1 pound out of 28 puts me at 3.57% of total grist.

Nope this one was Avengard, but BestMalz is plenty good, for sure!

Are you pleased with Avengard?  I’ve not used it, only because Best is hard to leave.

I love the Avangard pils.  It’s a high quality malt - pretty similar to my recollection of Durst pils. I’ll be using it regularly from here on out.

I don’t think it’s too much, but I do question it’s usefulness in a Baltic porter.

Depends on the water, and process. He added the dark grains at the end of mash start of batch sparge.

What was the kettle pH and beer pH?

I don’t recall, unfortunately!  And I didn’t write down whether I used RO or bottled spring water, but it may have been an early batch with my RO system…I just installed it in the latter part of this past spring.

Maybe just dumb luck this time!

Considering I never use more than 4 oz in a 5 gallon batch, yeah, that seems like a lot to me for a 10 gallon batch. And I question it’s use in a Baltic Porter, however, if it’s awesome, then great! I’m wanting to brew a baltic porter myself this fall.

Late adds of the roast malts made me think I should try the acidulated  - I’m not claiming precision to anything, but a very tasty result, so who knows?  Reading the info, it can be used up to 5% of the grist for lighter colored beers…