Just ordered up stuff to get me through summer. A pound each of Simcoe, Cascade, Centennial, Willamette, Mt Hood. Ten pounds each of Munich, CaraRed, Crytal 10 and 40. Still have a 55# sack of castle pilsner, about 40# of MO, and about 30# 2 row, some other odds and ends. Think I’m set for a couple months.
only 10# of munich? man that wouldn’t last me through two brew days much less the summer. ;D The three malts I buy by the sack are; pale, pils, and munich. Love that stuff.
Summer brewing would be nice. Here in South Central Iowa we mow lawn, clean gutters and try not to melt in the heat and humidity. Any remaining time is spent making sure my 2 oldest are ready to go to, or back to, college this fall.
My stock is up to about 8-9lbs of hops, sacks of Best Malz Munich & Pilsner, Castle Pilsen, Crisp MO and some Cargill Pale malt. I love being able to brew whatever I want without having to go to the store.
Although some of my friends refer to my beer room as the homebrew shop. ;D
My brewing is kinda all over the place right now, and since I only brew 3 gallons at a time I haven’t gotten around to picking up any sacks of base malt. I don’t think I’ve used the same base malt twice in a row in the past 4 or 5 months. I usually try to think 2 or 3 brews in advance when I buy my base malt, however, and I keep a decent library of specialty grains.
Hops, on the other hand, is a different beast altogether. I’m pretty sure I have more pounds of hops on hand right now than grain.